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Haemus is the original name of the Balkan mountain, peninsula and region.
We're fighting for unification of all Haemites and overcoming of artificial modern national divisions among Haemites.

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Medieval mitre, ceremonial head-dress of Orthodox Christian Metropolitan of Belgrade, made in the 15th century by the order of Countess of Cilli, Catherine Kantakouzena.

She was the daughter of George Brankovich, who ruled as a despot of Serbia in the 15th century (1427—1456).

Mitre has beautiful floral ornaments and inscriptions made in golden wire, pearls and semi-precious stones, with golden lilly on the top.


Most people think that French are both a nation and an ethnic group which is incorrect. They are a nation made of several White ethnic identities that were destroyed in the process of nationalization of the people of France.

But you won't read about this in mainstream history books because they follow the modern revolutionary narrative and are trying to make people think that these ethnic groups never existed and that French people are one ethnic group, that French nation is the French ethnic group.

There's also a lot of confusion around the term nation.

It's an ancient term, but in the past it was just another word for kin, race, tribe, ethnic group. But after the French revolution the meaning changed into Judeo-Masonic concept of nation which is most of the time tied to the state.

Purpose of nationalism was to divide the Whites.

Wars among Whites always existed, but until the innovation of nationalism they never caused Whites to feel pathological hatred towards one another. Whites were subjects to different kingdoms, but even in the Times of war they felt that they are one kin.

But after the innovation of nationalism we got separated and isolated into very strict and limited national identities.

And nationalization destroyed the cultural ties among us. Before cultural and linguistic differences between two neighboring kingdoms were small, but Judeo-Masonry reformed our languages and our culture and made us look as totally distinct people.

One of the things that helped nationalization of Whites was Judeo-Masonic introduction of distinct groups of European nations (Slavic, Germanic...) and with that movements and ideologies such as panslavism.

This new worldview totally ignores our ancient history and the fact that we all have same origin. Modern Scholars present ancient ethnic groups as if they were nations in the modern sense. They don't realize that often ethnic groups which they present as totally distinct were actually one and the same ethnic group just called differently in different regions.

If you compare ancient Goths and Scythians you'd see that they are basically one and the same.

And all these ancient White ethnic groups mixed. Modern ethnic Russians are presented as a purely Slavic nation, but they're actually a mixture of Slavs, Germanics, Scythians, Uralics and Celts.

And Russians aren't even an ethnic group. The supposed White ethnic Russians are a nation that now turned from a White nation into a civic nation. But ethnically they are the Rus people together with Ukrainians and Belarusians. And the Rus are a large heterogeneous ethnic group made of the above mentioned elements (Slavic, Germanic, Celtic...).

Serbs also aren't an ethnic group but a nation. They are considered Slavs, but they got culturally slavized because they were largely ruled by Slavic nobility and especially as they got nationalized.

And they are one kin with other people in Haemus because they are Haemites.

I'm a Haemite, a Vlach from Bosnia. Vlachs are a heterogeneous ethnic group made of all people in Haemus that were romanized and opposed slavization and hellenization. I'm a Vlach of primarily Celtic origin with mainly Illyrian, Dacian, Germanic and some Slavic admixtures.


In West Haemite language we have a word for kinism - rodoljublje (literally translated as one's love for his kin).

It is often opposed to nationalism since national identities and nationalism are modern constructs while kin and kinism (according to its original definition and not the one from Wikipedia describing a modern Southern American movement) are ancient and organic concepts.

I'm a kinist and not a nationalist. I don't recognize the modern national identities and I'm embracing the regional, tribal and ethnic identities.

Nationalism was invented by Judeo-Masonic French revolutionaries as a way to unite the diverse people of France (and later other countries) which were previously united around the king, Christian faith and blood ties.

Revolutionaries wanted to destroy all 3 so they needed a replacement - nationalism.

French nationalism destroyed the culture, languages, regional and tribal identities of the people of France and forced them to forsake their identity, forced them to speak the standardized French language, accept standardized French culture and forced them to accept the inorganic French national identity.




Репост из: Aryan Orthodox Christians
☦️ We promote:

√ canonical Orthodox Christianity
✓ traditionalism
✓ patriarchism
✓ kinism
✓ European (White) biological superiority over nonwhites
✓ White unity
✓ parallel system
✓ traditional class-based monarchism

☠️ We're against:

× heresies
× zionism
× modernism
× brother wars and nationalist hatred between Whites
× leftist and libertarian/liberal ideologies
× putinism
× national bolshevism
× duginism
× eurasianism
× feminism
× murder of the unborn (wrongly called "abortion) in any case

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Репост из: Conspiracy? Our Subverted History
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Conspiracy? Our Subverted History, Part 1 - Setting the Stage

By Asha Logos

I'm going to make this a series, as its impossible to fit even the broad strokes into a single video, and its all but impossible to do this topic the justice it deserves. This will be an overview, and future videos will zoom in a bit on specific peoples and time periods (I'm working on a Scythians video as I write this), and be more detailed and specific. Long story short, much of what we call civilization seems to spring from a relatively singular genetic and cultural root, which proceeded to disperse across the globe in waves, and it seems their tracks are being buried, obfuscated. I sincerely hope this encourages others to begin digging with open eyes.



Traditional Haemite architecture


The underground “Invisible church”

Remains of a small Orthodox Christian church that was entirely built underground. The church is located in Paklenje village, near Baljevac, Rascia area.

It was built during the late medieval period, in the 15th century, deep in the woods in this remote area.

It is very small, just 5 by 3 meters, and its walls are completely preserved, except the roof which was built on the ground level.

This “invisible church” was secretly built underground so it could be hidden from the Muslim Ottomans who conquered this part of Haemus in the 15th century. Ottomans often destroyed churches and persecuted Christians.

#Rascia #architecture #religion

A woman wearing the traditional clothes of Kraina region of Haemus

#culture #Kraina

Andžar, the traditional combat knife of Zmijanje tribal confederation in the Bosnian Kraina region of Haemus

Traditionally it would be given to a young man when he'd officially become an adult.

My father gave me these two when I turned 18. They are completely crafted by hand.

Every man from Zmijanje must own and carry at least one andžar.

#culture #Zmijanje #Bosnian_Kraina #Bosnia #Kraina

Traditional pocket/folding knife (šklopac) of the highlanders of Bosnian Kraina region of Haemus

This is a traditional pocket knife of my people, of my area.

It is completely handmade. The handle is actually a ram's horn. The blade is handcrafted and extremely sharp.

My father gave it to me when I was 12.

It's a symbol of a rite of passage. It's given to a boy when he's old enough to be responsible to carry a knife. It's a symbol of the start of adulting and transforming from a boy into a man.

Every male in my area that is a teenager or older must own and carry this pocket knife.

These knives are nowadays made by just a few smiths.

#culture #Kraina #Bosnia #Bosnian_Kraina

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