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"Is humanity truly free? Are there Universal Laws in effect that apply to human behavior? Does our knowledge or ignorance of these laws impact our collective freedom as a species? In this one-of-a-kind feature documentary film, Mark Passio will explore these questions, and our current understanding of Universal forces that affect the daily lives of each and every one of us."
BOOM!! Jimmy Dore Exposes “Pfizer Sponsored Mainstream News”
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Репост из: NPC Reserves

"You should know about this company.
Dakila Research, Brazil.
This is a company that pushes energy healing, UFOs, "Quantum" Physics and the Flat/Convex Earth and Tartaria Mud Flood psy ops.
Dakila was recently given an award by the Brazilian Army and members of the United Nations.
Dakila has a contract with the Brazilian military establishing Blockchain currency helping to eradicate private money.
The president of Dakila Research received an award from Federal Parliamentary Council of Brazil.
Dakila services and supplies products to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the United Arab Emirates.
Dakila Research believes there are 49 races of Extraterrestrial Aliens in Brazil alone.
They developed a military fighter pilot training program for the Brazilian Army (I wonder if their pilots use the convex Earth coordinates on their missions).
Clearly this is a counter intelligence agency doubling as a wine dealer and psuedo science trap house, but I'm sure we can overlook all of these domestic and global ties to deep military operation.
Journey we more into the nightmare...
The Stepped Monument
The president of Dakila is using his company to make a re-creation of the stepped monuments of South America called the "Quantum Generator".
The Quantum Generator has been strategically positioned at the coordinates 19 degrees south latitude, as this is the most vital energy point on Earth, according to Dakila Research team. This position was adjusted and centered considering the electromagnetic north of the future considering the already predicted pole reversal of Earth's magnetosphere. Clearly they are using spherical (bi polar) coordinates to create the structure. This contradicts their award-winning research which apparently proved that the Earth is flat or some convoluted convex shape.
This structure is going to be ground zero for such research projects as "quantum knowledge", time-warping, antimatter, String Theory, "photon particles", interaction with parallel realities and teleportation. This is all possible due to so called "Tachyon" energy which makes you a better person in every way.
Another wave of the magic wand by psy-op science, for your health
Under the guise of "Development of Human Potential" the Tachyon energy project is described as neural energy comprised of particle pairs which, with opposite charges, cancel and balance each other out moving faster than light. (Whatever that amounts to).
These particles do not have mass, another example of quantum nonsense (a particle with no mass). They use the words photon, quantum, and electron constantly, clearly not understanding that these are all totally unrealistic terms that describe exactly nothing because they do not exist.
Quantum physics is nothing but algorithmic math and has absolutely nothing to do with "infinite possibilities" other than the seemingly infinite imaginary particles, stellar objects and supernatural fantasies it can dream up to explain the complete body of actual physical evidence that has made this model irrelevant to anyone who is interested in actual physics.
Nonetheless, the Quantum Generator is also going to teach us how to communicate telepathically with each other and move matter with our minds. How this plastic and metal stepped pyramid structure is going to accomplish these miracles is anyone's guess.
This is the kind of utter nonsense, the kind of embarrassing insult to human intelligence that is the byproduct of bored billionaires with nothing better to do but plan how to screw over the general public with their twisted, narcissist phantasmagoria."

Original Post Credits to Peter John Ladetto (Via Facebook)

Some serious truth bombs here, and it's obvious that we're living within a "Jew World Order"..
Why Jews Love to Hate Jesus | Know More News w/ Adam Green, Christopher Jon Bjerknes, & Al Bishai
Know More News with Adam Green Patreon - Subscribe Star: Bitcoin (BTC or XBT) - 3AEpidAX19q...

"The core principle of freedom
Is the only notion to obey
The formulae of evolution and sin
Leading the way

The rebirth is near completion
As we slowly awaken from slumber

The malpractice of the spirit ends
When the gift is once again attained
No rules or restraints are longer valid
When the ancient future is reclaimed

No rules or restraints are longer valid
When the ancient future is reclaimed

It is all there for the eyes that can see
The blind ones will always suffer in secrecy
For it is the omen of what lies submerged - Breeding
Untouched within us - Bleeding

The core principle of freedom
Is the only notion to obey
The formulae of evolution and sin
Leading the way

The rebirth is near completion
As we slowly awaken from slumber
To receive the light that shines in darkness
The light that shines forevermore (forevermore)

Be the broken or the breaker
Be the giver or the undertaker
Unlock and open the doors
Be the healer or the faker
The keys are in your hands
Realize you are your own sole creator
Of your own master plan

Be the broken or the breaker
Be the giver or the undertaker
Unlock and open the doors
Be the healer or the faker
The keys are in your hands
Realize you are your own sole creator
Of your own master plan."
Banksters Set the Table for Net Zero - #NewWorldNextWeek
SHOW NOTES AND MP3: This week on the New World Next Week: The banksters lay the groundwork for their 130 trillion dollar climate swindle; the oligarchs psy...

Репост из: ThriveOn (Official)
10 years ago, on 11/11/11, THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take? was released to the world, and with it, a call for a systematic grassroots movement to unite and create a thriving world for all!
Our mission was embraced by millions of people who watched the film, translated it into their own languages, shared it, and joined the movement in various documented ways. Because of THRIVE I and people like you, many of the subject matters presented nine years ago have become part of the conversation and real solutions today.
We thank you all for being a part of the movement!
Watch THRIVE I for FREE here:

"You heard it here.
Getting to the truth about what exactly happened on 9/11 is not particularly important.
Watch this man stammer and squirm through this existentially important question."

- Peter John Ladetto

Репост из: Glen
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Check this out! On One News today. What has been "conspiracy" for the last 20 months is now on national news and publicly confirmed.

This manipulation of the reason for death has been happening all around the world and is a total fraud of the death rate numbers.

This being the case, the death rate for Covid-19 will be EVEN LOWER than the common flu.

So the death labels are happening here in NZ, just like in other parts of the world, whereas even if you did NOT die of the Corona, you'll still be labeled that it was part of your passing in certain circumstances..

Репост из: NPC Reserves

Slavic winter holidays. Back to the roots
November (Breast):
1 - Mokosh, Kuzminki;
25 - Marena.
December (Jelly):
9 - Day of Dazhdbog and Marena (Yuri Kholodny);
23 - Korochun;
24-25 - Carols;
December 26 - January 6 - Shchedrets.
January (Prosinets):
December 21 - January 7 - Christmas time (Kolyada);
January 1-6 - Veles days;
6 - Winter turits;
8-9 - Midwife Day.
February (Section):
1-2 - veneration of the goddess Lightning Thunder;
4-10 - Lesser Velesovs, or Wolfs, Christmas time;
11 - Veles day;
16 - name day of Kikimora;
21 - Spring, or Stribog winter;
29 - Day of Kashchei (St. Kasyan the Unmerciful).

The following links are either more accounts of his drug fueled discovery of the PCR process in his mind, or simple few paragraph explanations of how the PCR process works in general terms all of which are nearly identical detail about how it came to be developed in lab accredited to multiple individuals with no evidence of Mullis' direct contribution.
In genuine scientific articles there are normally many pages of detailed, step by step analysis of the process leading to the results of the experimentation and development.
Again nothing more than a few paragraphs in every link I could find....
Here is an interesting explanation of what the PCR process is really about taken from the following link.
“With P CR 30 years later,” continues Doyle, “you could actually manipulate this D NA. The chain reaction itself then causes a chain reaction. You get the whole ‘Boom!’ effect. Four molecular biologists and a computer can start a company. You get massive shifts in drug design and Big Pharma—all because you can directly extract genetic information and manipulate it, which is ordinarily the job of evolution through organisms.”
Note the explanation as 4 people and a computer. Not a lab, not a solid connection to vital samples...a computer.
The fact is that Genetics and Virology are totally fraudulent industries based upon digitally fabricated data and whose only product is more disease forming, toxic drugs, vaccines and therapies for people to spend a fortune upon securing their own demise.
The P CR process is not amplifying or detecting anything at all and there is simply no satisfactory, detailed explanation of exactly how these theoretical DNA particles are seen, separated, combined or cloned beyond scientifically artistic explanations of totally unverified biological processes between totally theoretical particles.
My research has concluded that Kary Mullis is not a lab technician and is most likely an actor paid to play the colorful, eccentric, strangely relatable "genius" fall guy for the completely fraudulent PCR process which was planned from the beginning to be used as it has in the current global attack upon our health, sanity, freedom and intelligence and whose role also includes a novel distraction who becomes the voice of opposition by criticizing the industry to which he sold his soul in nonsensical, duplicitous false binary rants of imaginary nonsense.
The official story is too bizarre and incongruous to be true as told both about the PCR process and the man who "discovered" it.

~ Authored by Peter John Ladetto

Who is Kary Mullis? (Pictured Above)

You think Mullis invented this P CR process right, but check out this report.
According to that report the P CR was just an idea Mullis had that was actually manifest in-lab by a team of technicians that did not include Mullis.
Headed by this man, Dr. Henry Erlich.
Dr. Henry Elrich's bio doesn't even mention Mullis.
It gives Elrich the credit for the invention, essentially.
However in this account by Mullis (which is written like some ridiculous dimestore romance novel) Mullis talks like he had his hands dirty in the actual creation of the process.
Also there is not a single photo of Mullis in a lab, doing any kind of work.
This is the closest we get to Mullis in a lab environment is this, clearly taken in a photography studio (see attached image).
Is this man even a "genuine" fake scientist?
Is he an actor?
Here is Kary's super scientific drawing of his award winning PCR idea, the work of a true genius, clearly. (See attached image).
In the following article interviewing Mullis we get a full portrait of a man who seems to be intoxicated on a variety of drugs and alcohol apparently at all times of day and night.
We also get more of his bizarre duplicity when it comes to whether AIDS itself is a disease.
"The guys who were hanging out in the bathhouses of San Francisco had every parasite you could imagine," he says. "It was a whole way of life that killed a certain percentage of the people who lived it."
He then goes on to say...
"I don't actually think it's a disease." He says, "There isn't an epidemic that you can verify." He says, "It's not transmitted by sex." He says, "I don't really respect the people who call themselves AIDS scientists."
AIDS scientists??
So according to Mullis AIDS is contacted by homosexuals infected with parasites, however it's not a disease and not transmuted by sex.
Does that make sense?
It makes about as much sense as a man who profited his entire adult life working for biotech pharmecuetical/vac cine manufacturers and who won one of the most prestigious awards on Earth for doing their bidding (as a scientist or as an actor?) turning around and critizing that very industry in repeated, bizarre, intoxicated diatrabes.
Another bizarre article about his time at Berkeley and subsequent hiring at Cetus despite a reputation as a frequent psychadelic drug consumer and apparently not knowing much about molecular biology. Despite this fact he somehow "boomed" the production of the lab work at Cetus.
"Despite knowing little about molecular biology, Mullis was hired to work in the company’s DNA synthesis lab where he was tasked with streamlining the production of oligonucleotides, little molecules used to isolate sections of natural D NA for study. Thanks to his ingenuity, oligonucleotide production boomed. When White was promoted to director of molecular and biological research, he made Mullis head of the D NA synthesis lab."
He was apparently neither qualified to be part of the DNA diagnostic team at Certa, despite his raving genius and it seems they paid him to just.....think.
“He really didn’t know much of anything about molecular biology. And so when he tried to tell all the molecular biologists that this was a good idea, most of them were very skeptical.”
Again, if Kary Mullis was making such a difference working in lab, why was he not part of the team that actually created the PCR process in-lab, and why is there no evidence of his work there?
I have attempted to locate specific scientific papers detailing Mullis' research and have found nothing truly substantial.

Bill Maher is still a piece of shit, but there's some truth bombs dropped here:
"Everything in this country has to go through the PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES" Bill Maher OUTS PHARMA
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