Navigating this week
New beginnings through moments of awakening spark revolutionary change. Although we may not see the impact of that change right away, the ripple effects are activated like sound waves from a gong.
Our willingness to be present, to be awake, and to embody our true nature is of the upmost importance. When we awaken to our true nature, when we self-realize, we can embody that god spark of Light and Be who we came here to Be.
The journey of self awareness and realization is the most significant journey one can embark on. It’s the key to health and wellness, as well as healthy sustainable relationships and conscious community.
When we can honor that god spark of Light within each and every one of us, we activate the beginning of a whole new world, a higher octave of humanity is revealed, and the divine blueprint of our collective orchestration is initiated.
What we focus on grows, what we invest in matures and manifests. When we allow ourselves to see the wholeness of humanity and ourselves, when we allow ourselves to unconditionally Love as the default setting, we access higher realms of possibility. Perhaps the greatest change we can initiate on behalf of our Dream for humanity is changing our own inner lens of consciousness, elevating to a higher frequency of Love. Love is the frequency of unity, oneness, and possibility.
Moving forward, our presence matters. How we root ourselves into the Earth matters. We’re about to realize just how powerful the presence of one awakened heart can be, and the actions that arise from a heart that beats in resonance with the laws of nature.
It takes courage to walk the planet with an open heart… to choose to open unconditionally, again and again. When the heart is open, we are delivered to clarity and truth. When the heart is closed, there is confusion and distortion, we can only see what we believe we’re right about.
~ Christine Clemmer
Navigating this week
New beginnings through moments of awakening spark revolutionary change. Although we may not see the impact of that change right away, the ripple effects are activated like sound waves from a gong.
Our willingness to be present, to be awake, and to embody our true nature is of the upmost importance. When we awaken to our true nature, when we self-realize, we can embody that god spark of Light and Be who we came here to Be.
The journey of self awareness and realization is the most significant journey one can embark on. It’s the key to health and wellness, as well as healthy sustainable relationships and conscious community.
When we can honor that god spark of Light within each and every one of us, we activate the beginning of a whole new world, a higher octave of humanity is revealed, and the divine blueprint of our collective orchestration is initiated.
What we focus on grows, what we invest in matures and manifests. When we allow ourselves to see the wholeness of humanity and ourselves, when we allow ourselves to unconditionally Love as the default setting, we access higher realms of possibility. Perhaps the greatest change we can initiate on behalf of our Dream for humanity is changing our own inner lens of consciousness, elevating to a higher frequency of Love. Love is the frequency of unity, oneness, and possibility.
Moving forward, our presence matters. How we root ourselves into the Earth matters. We’re about to realize just how powerful the presence of one awakened heart can be, and the actions that arise from a heart that beats in resonance with the laws of nature.
It takes courage to walk the planet with an open heart… to choose to open unconditionally, again and again. When the heart is open, we are delivered to clarity and truth. When the heart is closed, there is confusion and distortion, we can only see what we believe we’re right about.
~ Christine Clemmer