Репост из: Love Fool
Today issa beautiful day and special day for STAYC because d-day of STEREOTYPE! And finally Music Video is out! So, HAPPY COMEBACK TO STAYC AND STAYC RP-ERS, especially to Me, Nami, Ellorie, Aishenora, Jiecha, Lillianne, Senafay, Sihan, Amigelle, Isabelle, Eusebelle, Shéalana, Greisy, Lullaby, Dawn, Sianne, Anneliese, Louisha, Tarasya, Rea, Alanara, Jemima, Nabil, Michelle, Marēiline, Thyse, Abinaya, Rameyza, Minji, Paralintang, Leisl, Lili, Albiya, Sarayu, Amayis, Ella, Valeri, Aci, Amorei, Maura, Gretheanne and STAYC rp-ers lainnya. Swith, please support STAYC and make sure to streaming okay!