西區交通 Western District Transport

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政府宣佈長者及殘疾人士兩蚊乘車優惠會於下個財政年度擴展至 60-64 歲人士。不過,受惠者將需持有「個人八達通」(有相)實名乘車。另外,政府亦考慮逐步要求 65 歲或以上長者亦需持有「個人八達通」方可享有兩蚊乘車優惠。


Government announced the promotion of "$2 concessionary public transport fare" to 60-64 years old citizens. However, they will be required to hold a "Personal Octopus Card" (with photo) to enjoy the concessionary fare. On the other hand, they are considering to require elderly of 65 years old and above to register Personal Octopus Card in order to continue enjoy $2 concessionary fare.

Apart from personal privacy, they have made no effort to solve elderly from "long route, short ride".


【城巴 A12 再縮短服務時間】

由即日起,小西灣開 10:30、11:30、12:30 及 13:30 取消。

From today onwards, 10:30, 11:30, 12:30 & 13:30 departures from Siu Sai Wan are suspended.


【新巴 3A 考試週特別車(好似係)】

為配合學生回校需要,新巴將在星期一 (11/1) 至二月九日之間恢復中環天星碼頭往摩星嶺道的巴士服務,並臨時調整開車時間為 07:15 及 12:00 兩班。由於暫時無離校回程班次,同學可以行落摩星嶺巴士總站搭 1 號巴士返回市區。


To facilitate students getting back school (for exams?), NWFB will resume service of Rt 3A from Central Ferry to Felix Villas starting from Monday (11/1) onwards to 9/2. Departing time is adjusted to 07:15 and 12:00. At the moment, NWFB is not providing after-school trips. Please walk down to Felix Villas for Rt. 1.

We wish all of you satisfactory academic results and stay healthy.


【7/1 - 20/1 減班清單】

Service reduction list (7/1 - 20/1)


【城巴 5X 線司機確診武漢肺炎】

今日城巴宣佈一名曾駕駛 5X 及大埔過海線 307A 的車長確診 2019 冠狀病毒病(即武漢肺炎)。該車長曾駕駛以下 5X 班次:

17-18/12 (兩天,相同時間)
09:00 堅尼地城往銅鑼灣
10:00 銅鑼灣往堅尼地城
12:00 堅尼地城往銅鑼灣
13:00 銅鑼灣往堅尼地城

該車長 17/12 曾駕駛兩部巴士,車號為 #8399 及 #6347,而 18/12 則為 #8451 及 #6368。

Citybus has announced the infection of COVID-19 (Wuhan Coronavirus/Pneumonia) of a bus captain driving 5X and Tai Po route 307A earlier today. Here is the 5X departures that the captain has provided:

17-18/12 (Same departure times on both days):
09:00 Kennedy Town to Causeway Bay
10:00 Causeway Bay to Kennedy Town
12:00 Kennedy Town to Causeway Bay
13:00 Causeway Bay to Kennedy Town

The captain has driven two buses on 17/12 (fleet Nos. #8399 and #6347), while he has driven Nos. #8451 and #6368 on the next day.


【南區 69 專線欲增設經薄扶林特別車】

運輸署發出有關公共小型巴士(專線)第 69 及 69A 號服務調整的「諮詢」文件,當中進智公交希望增設 69 專線之特別車,途經薄扶林及中環—灣仔繞道前往北角、鰂魚涌。諮詢文件所示之特別車只設傍晚六時十分數碼港開出一架。

按照上年度巴士路線計劃,新巴將會增設 33X 下午繁忙時間由數碼港開往西灣河之服務。如此項專線改動獲准實施,將與新巴行將增加的 33X 班次完全重疊。新巴可能因此未能在乘客量有所增長的情況下再行加班。當 69 專線取代新巴加班,薄扶林道沿線往東區,以至原有田灣、香港仔、黃竹坑往東區的乘客將只能望車興嘆。

上月,中西區區議員已在交運會會議要求加強大口環、數碼港巴士服務,早日打破壟斷。如今 69 專線對 33X 巴士服務構成惡性競爭,恐怕壟斷情況將會加劇。

Transport Department is now carrying out "consultation" on the suggested amendment towards Public Light Bus (Scheduled) No. 69 & 69A. Aberdeen Maxicab Service (hereinafter referred to as "AMS") would like to add a special trip for No. 69 plying from Cyberport to Quarry Bay via Pokfulam and Central-Wanchai Bypass at 18:10 every Monday to Fridays.

According to last year's Bus Route Planning Programme, NWFB will be providing No. 33X from Cyberport to Sai Wan Ho (via Pokfulam, Central-Wanchai Bypass & Quarry Bay) in the evening. The addition fo PLB 69 special trip will be a 100% overlap to NWFB 33X. As a result, 33X will NEVER be able to have more tr


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