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Репост из: Bedroom.
Finally "WE GO" M/V is out! What a wonderful M/V. Happy Comeback for FROMIS_9 and all FROMIS_9 rp-ers, especially Achell, Shadine, Kalila, Syaima, Kina, Adena Emerald, Klausa, Emerald, Marietta, Adish, Carenza, Aruna, Salaras, Cipow, Jeza, Aerilyn, Amaia, Ganira, Keicha, Nadira, Arimbi, Jirani, Junar. I guess it will be a wonderful and sucsessfull comeback !!! 😲💖

Репост из: queen's quarters
Congratulations & happy comeback to Fromis_9 and Fromis_9 rpers🥳 eps

Me, Nakula, Thabitha, Nareesha, Daphne, Lalika, Kina, Kirei, Jeyya, Leevia, Arleanne, Jebiel, Sasya, Nayaka, Ayara, Jeloune, Denisha, Jechiessa, Kalea, Kayla, Shadine, Hanindya, Samantha, Daviana, Jiyana, Adelaine, Florie, Shiela, Senjani, Kalula, Nayara, Kaureen, Shalea, Ayyara, Beyla, Mourey, Louella, Jemi, Leyna, Robin, Jemayu, Lizzie, Heraloka, Kanya, Shannon, Lala, Josevine, Seraya, Melodie, Casya, Nisheza, Sheline, Arimbi, Ayyara, Abel, Anne, Nalathea, Moore, Aily, Glenca, Louella, Nadhira, Aesy, Safeyya, Junar, Kajelva, Adish, Jasmine, Nakualley.

dont forget to always streaming, once again happy comeback fromis_9 🤍.

Репост из: One step closer
Fromis_9 프로미스나인 'We Go'' MV is out now! they have been working hard for this comeback, so please appreciate it. 🤍 Congrats and Happy comeback for everyone who use fromis's member as face claim especially :

Me, Syaima, Napiyo, Sasya, Seirenca, Nayara, Aily, Daphne, Karin, Arleanne, Jieska, Jemi, Beyla, Grazia, Fanette, Shalea, Seraya, Kalula, Nayaka, Mourrey, ayyara, Alana, Haruna, Kaureen, Seiranca, Meutia, Debian, Jebiel, Eci, Harley, Jeloune, Denat, Kanala, Jula, Jeyya, Ansa, Seraya, Maddie, Lizzie, Shalea, Nalathea, Jula, Dhiana, Jeyya, Helena, Achel, Bebel, Louella, Kalila, Hacheeya, Faith, Jasmine, Caca, Sadrine, Zea, Amber, Shaney, Laluna And Junar.

Don't forget to stream 'We Go' and always support Fromus_9. Have a great day all 🤍

Репост из: じしゃか
Hello everyone, finally! FROMIS_9 'We Go' out now! Happy comeback to FROMIS_9 & FROMIS_9 rp-ers especially Me, Haruna, Sasya, Safeyya, Cameelah, Shanaya, Jemi, Shadine, Kaureen, Junar, Naresha, Jienara, Shaney, Jesha, Emerlad, Darlene, Nakko, Karella, Jeloune, Adish. Hope you can promote & portray they're better, but what you've done is the best! Once again, Happy comeback! 💘.

Репост из: w̶w̶w̶ ִֶָ 𝙨e𝗻jᥲ rp͟w ִֶָ c𖣠m ָ࣪ '
Finally !! "WE GO" MV is out now. Happy Comeback for Fromis_9 and all Fromis_9 rp ers.

Especially for : Radisca, Daivana, Geanya, Beyla, Cameelah, Tiffany, Anne, Miyora, Jiescha, Cessiey, Nayara, Arimbi, Yeurychi, Micera, Shalea, Sasya, Nakko, Larasati, Shannon, Lizzie, Ariesha, Chesya, Jechiessa, Jemi, Glenca, Claire, Jihanaru, Jeloune, Kanya, Celica, Lala, Shadine, Deraika, Nisheza, Josevine, Seraya, Kanala, Heisya, Cleo, Tsabiel, Moore, Hanindya, Ayyaraa, Reenay, Tabitha, Senjani, Biel, Aily, Heraloka, Seirenca, Adelaine, Arumica, Namira, Kadhisayu, Aruna, Ansa, Harley, Ayala, Kina, Nazhifa, Salaras, Susu, Adish, Klausa, Carenza, Nadira, Cipow, Ananta, Asenna.

Congratulations and don't forget to stream their MV!

Репост из: ❊ 𝒯hinkingbelle
Finally FROMIS_9’s “We Go” from #9WayTicket MV has been released. Congratulations for FROMIS_9, We’ve all been waiting for this for a long time! I hope your comeback this time will make you get a success, Love.

Also congratulations for their RP-ERS Especially Me, Joseph, Shealyn, Sebastian, Kenzie, Ashila, Isha, Aretha, Sadrine, Ardine, Evelyne, Haruna, Sera, Karin, Seraphina, Kayoka, Sabinel, Kaluka, Jiyana, Kanala, Camerlah, Lophelia, Kejo, Nisheza, Radisca, Audrey, Fanette, Moore, Micera, Shadine, Mentari, Florie, Soyira, Hasya, Kalea, Hardha, Lizzie, Nayara, Samantha, Bintang, Naura, Louella, Jasmine, Arleanne, Mochiya, Drea, Alodya, Ashley, Tabitha, Beyla, Arley, Denisha, Tsabiel, Biru, Helena, Dele, Bita, Arlenne, Jessie, Narelin, Arimbi, Shaleen, Syaline, Adinda, Shalea, Alynn, Lidia, Shabira, Audrey, Kinaya, Sidney, Senja, Alenka, Fraysa, Alana, Anya, Anne, Achiva, Lalika, Nate, Achell, Sadieva, Kina, Mala, Kaleisya, Ajesh, Adel, Karin, Ketrin, Kezia, Jaffa, Mikhaela, Raia, Egidia, Ayne, Elijah, Rachisa, Delaney, Shilby, Disya, Clara, Ella, Amber, Cassa, Jenara, Ariesha, Gemintang, Rissa, Kirei, Achell, Naya, Shaney, Kimora, Kath, Keicha, Laluna, Shannon, Kilaufia, Halinka, Azeva, Safira, Sashi, Nayla, Amber, Ariesha, Cipow, Deraika, Caca, Nadira, Neira, Jeza, Leslie, Amaia, Deborah, Chiko and Nakya.

Lets check it out and don’t forget to streaming, Flover. 🤍

Репост из: Beautiful Feeling
Today is a very exciting day, because today is the day FROMIS_9 returns with a comeback with a song called We Go. And right at this moment the "We Go" M/V is finally out!. Happy Comeback for FROMIS_9 and FROMIS_9 rp-ers!

Especially for : Me, Achiera, Adelaine, Adelia, Alana, Amaia, Anne, Arleanne, Arum, Aruna, Ayyara, Baila, Bebel, Beyla, Cameelah, Daphne, Debian, Deborah, Dele, Denisha, Deraika, Eci, Fanette, Gopies, Grazia, Gyura, Harley, Heraloka, Isha, Jasmine, Jebiel, Jemi, Jeloune, Jeyy, Jiyana, Joanna, Junar, Kalula, Kana, Karin, Kaureen, Kay, Kayoka, Keicha, Kina, Kirei, Lala, Lizzie, Lovella, Mouwrr, Nabiru, Nachie, Nakula, Narienna, Napiyo, Nayaka, Nuansa, Phoebe, Radisca, Saffeya, Samantha, Sasya, Senjani, Seraya, Seren, Shalea, Shadine, Shanaya, Seirenca, Tsana, and Zea.

Also, thank you for making the day even more stupendous. Now your masterpiece that many lings have been waiting for has been released. You guys did your best. Happy comeback, keep creating your dumbfounding and prodigious masterpieces and the world will continue to be proud of your opus!
Don't forget to watch it and share videos with your friends!, I hope you like it. Please always support us and have a great day!

Репост из: ㅤㅤㅤㅤ134340 ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏
Finally We Go M/V has been released!Happy comeback to Fromis_9!

and also happy comeback for Me and all Fromis_9 rp – ers especially ;
Seirenca, Mouwrr, Jula, Harley, Nakula, Denisha, Kaureen, Ayara, Beyla, Fanette, Kanala, Nakko, Grazia, Syaima, Jieska, Kalula, Alana, Louella, Kayoka, Carlyn, Shafa, Kay, Jechiessa, Jiyana, Kina, Daivana, Lizzie, Isha, Melisha, Gyura, Amaia, Chesya, Biel, Mentari, Debian, Ariesha, Anne, Adelaine, Florie, Nazhifa, Junar, Kalila, Samantha, Emerald, Tsana, Karin.

Please keep supporting them, give them lots of support and love. Don‘t forget to stream We Go MV, Flovers!

Репост из: Almighty
𝕱inally 프로미스나인 (Fromis_9), 𝗪𝗘 𝗚𝗢 MV is 𝗢𝗨𝗧 𝗡𝗢𝗪!!!
Happy comeback for 프로미스나인(Fromis_9) also their rpers, especially for Nisheza, Darlene, Debian, Shanaya, Jesha, Nadhira, Tsabiel, Karin, Nakko, Bianca, Aruna, Safeyya, Ananta, Ayala, Nadira, Aqila, Aerilyn, Cipow, Arimbi, Ganira, Carenza, Klausa, Junar, Gemintang, Jemayu, Shandara, Nagyung, Kalila, Gelora, Shaney, Jishaka, Aimee, Shandara, Aesy and me.


Репост из: senjaya's
♡ ྀ Feel the beat of enthusiasm and euphoria towards 9 Way Ticket. The echoes have skyrocketed, await for it to liberated. We Go M/V is already out! Sparkles in every clockwise rotation forges impatient feeling, keep eyes on us!

🎬. Happy Comeback to Fromis_9 and also All Fromis_9 Rp-ers

Especially :
Myself! Jasmine, Biel, Denat, Kana, Kay, Mareena, Kalanie, Popoy, Lalika, Sasya, Seirenca, Jieska, Baila, Nakko, Safeyya, Nareesha, Faith, Kaureen, Kanala, Shaney, Kalila, Aerilyn, Nadira, Ananta, Aruna, Harley, Bita, Ansa, Ayala, Skala, Jirani, Carenza, Anne, Audrey, Adish, Jeza, Junar, Elaina, Phoebe

Don't forget to stream the music video y'all! ★____☆

- With love, Aesy

Репост из: 440 not found.
Good afternoon everyone, finally Fromis_9 new M/V entitled 'WE GO' is finally out don't forget to stream, and happy comeback to Fromis_9 irl and all Fromis_9 rp-ers especially deborah, elaina, shandara, aerilyn, carenza, ganira, narienna, yunara, elfara, shadine, kalula, junar and also the hidden member Caitlin. Once again happy comeback girls!

also HAPPY COMEBACK for 4 pretty girls named AESPA! next level are so lit, so make sure you guys keep stream to their music video okay? 🤟🏻

and for evelyne, shila, laureth, celestia please enjoy your comeback!

HAPPY COMEBACK for nine blessed souls named FROMIS_9! we go music video already released, keep streaming everyone. 🤍

ah, also happy comeback for myself, jieska, nakko, baila, sasya, jey, fanette, kirei, kanala, aimee, aesy, jishaka, shandara, robin, bebel, melisha, kalula, adish, cipow, ganira, klausa & jemayu! 🥳🥳 enjoy our comeback, guys.

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(+1) un mois avec nous sera pour toujours.

i'm sure that everyone wanna be like me.

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