TRIPLEX [in en]

Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
Категория: не указана

🛡Independent creative association TRIPLEX.

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Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
не указан, не указан
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The car's wheels are rolling over a broken road, pushing the suspension up against limits with each pothole.

An uncomfortable veil of gray fog hangs over the world, dampening everything in its path. Broken houses, riddled with shell fragments, lurk menacingly outside the car windows. The surviving windows are lifeless, conveying the pain and despair that have devastated the community. Meanwhile, the others have been boarded up, as if to reject reality and ensure that they no longer have to bear witness to the atrocities of the world. Within the shattered walls of these homes lie broken human lives, where palpable suffering and grief permeate the air. The world seems to have been reduced to millions of tiny, sharp shards of glass and brick.

This is the Petrovsky district of Donetsk, an area that receives few humanitarian aid due to the unrelenting, indiscriminate shelling from the Ukrainian side. Civilians are frequently targeted, since the AFU often responds to assaults on the Ukrainian positions with attacks on the local civilians.

Such is the nature of this hellish existence with water being barely available, as humanitarian activist avoid venturing into the area. As for those who have chosen to call this community home, they've lived through years of such terror and uncertainty.

Today we publish the first out of four videos with the testimonials of the local residents.

As stalwart soldiers in the battle for truth, we find ourselves at the forefront of the information war.

With our trusty weapons of camera and the written word, and fortified by our unyielding devotion to both truth and God, we stand ready to defend the verity against any onslaught.

Our mission extends beyond mere defense; we also offer much-needed humanitarian aid to all civilians in the midst of war and to the stalwart Russian, DNR, and LNR military personnel who risk everything on the front lines of the current conflict and fight for the noble cause, their history, their memory, their country, their land.

Luckily, you need not be on the front lines to support our cause. From wherever you are, you can easily lend your support to our efforts by subscribing for regular donations, either to the civilians or to the military, or by contributing a one-time donation. Together, we can defend truth and bring hope to those who need it most.


Показано 2 последних публикаций.


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