Sardorbek Rakhmonberdiev | IELTS 9.0

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• Sample answers for:
IELTS Speaking & Writing
• Useful IELTS tips
IELTS 9 - L9/R9/W8/S9
Teacher at @EverestOfficial
(@EverestNavoiy branch)

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Ertaga soat 16:30’da birinchi dars boshlanadi.

P.s: Don’t be late!

The interview is OUT! Go and watch NOW!

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Everestda 3-Overall 9.0🎉

🏔"Everest Alisher Navoiy 2" manzilimizda faoliyat yuritadigan Sardorbek Rakhmonberdiev shaxsiy natijasini eng yuqori ball - Overall 9.0 ga olib chiqdi!

🎧 Listening - 9.0
📚 Reading - 9.0
📃 Writing - 8.0
🎙 Speaking - 9.0

📨 Personal messages: @SardorbekRakhmonberdiev
📌 Channel: @ieltswiths

Bunday yutuqlar Everest o'quv markazi uchun yangilik emas! Albatta bilim va maqsadning kesishgan joyida ana shunday ajoyib natijalar yaratiladi.

⭐️Sardorbek Rakhmonberdievning muvaffaqiyati o'quv markazimizning ta'lim sifati va ustozlarimizning mehnatsevarligi ifodasidir.

🫵🏻Siz ham o'z orzularingizga intilib, yuqori natijalarga erishishni xohlaysizmi?
🏔Everestda buning uddasidan chiqishingiz yanada oson!


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1.2k 0 12 11 89

📢 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 📢

📌 Yangi BEGINNER guruhga qabul:

📆 Birinchi dars 16-sentabr kuni. Darslar haftada 3 marta:

16:30 dan 18:30 gacha

👨‍🏫 Mr. Sardorbek Rakhmonberdiev
- IELTS 9.0

🗺 Everest o’quv markazi, Alisher Navoiy filiali

📨 Guruhga yozilish uchun:


Ma’lum bir sabablarga ko’ra, beginner guruh juft kuni emas, TOQ kunida ochiladigan bo’ldi, ya’ni darslar Dushanba/Chorshanba/Juma kuni 16:30 da o’tiladi.

Shu sababli e’lonni qaytadan jo’nataman, yaqinlaringizga xabar bering.

Birinchi dars 16-sentabr!

Репост из: IELTS IDP in Uzbekistan
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💥 Everest'dan ikkita Niner!

🥳 Edu Action jamoasi nomidan Sardorbek Rakhmonberdiev va Sirojiddin Malikovni IELTS Overall 9.0 ball bilan chin yurakdan tabriklaymiz!

— Bu hali hammasi emas, siz ham 9 ball olishga haqlisiz!

⚠️ IELTS imtihoniga EXAMS.UZ orqali ro'yxatdan o'ting!

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#StudentResult #IELTS7

Congratulations Abdulaziz🤩 We all know how hard you worked to get this outstanding result!




23.9k 9 344 99 392


Congratulations, Madina! Hard work paid off. Keep moving forward 👍


6k 0 6 10 71


Interview’da berilgan eng yaxshi savolga “Bir kurs (3 oy) o’qish uchun VAUCHER” mukofoti beriladi✅

Savollaringizni ushbu havoladagi post ostida qoldirishingiz mumkun 👇

5k 0 0 11 24

🔥GRAND INTERVIEW | Loyihamizning bu galgi mehmoni IELTS 8.5 sohibi Sardorbek Rakhmonberdiyev!

🔹Toshkent shahrida tavallud topgan;
🔹2020-yil birinchi marta IELTS topshirib, Overall 7.0 natijani qayd etgan;
🔹2021-yil iyun oyida EVEREST TEAM a'zosiga aylangan;
🔹2021-yil avgust oyida shaxsiy natijasini IELTS overall 8.0 ga ko'targan;
🔹2023-yil iyul oyida o'z shaxsiy natijasini 8.5 yangilab, hozirda Everest Alisher Navoiy 2 manzilida faoliyat yuritib kelmoqda;
🔹Joriy yilda Jahon iqtisodiyoti va diplomatiya universitetini bakalavriatini tamomladi;
🔹Bugungi kungacha ko'plab 7+ natijalar qayd etgan shogirdlarni chiqargan.

📨 Personal messages: @Sardorbekrakhmonberdiev
📌 Channel: @ieltswithsardorbek

🎙️Interview 27-avgust kuni tasvirga olinadi.
Sardorbek Rakhmonberdiyevga qanday savollaringiz bor? Ularni izohlarda yozib qoldiring👇

🏔 Instagram | YouTube | Manzillar

Here is our another young prodigy - Behro’z Ziyadullayev 😎

He took the exam on July 8 but got 6.5. Because I had a strong faith in his potential, I told him to retake the reading sub-test (OSR) to get that desired Overall 7.0. As you can see, it was a success.

I would like to thank and congratulate his parents for supporting their child all the way down here.

I am sure that he will take IELTS once again before graduating school because he has just finished the 8th grade. Who knows what will his score be at that time…

#StudentResult #Overall7


Guess who nailed the test this time 💣

P.S. he is the youngest student of mine to have ever taken IELTS


Here he is, the “Islom Kenjayev” - a 16-year-old teenager who managed to nail the test and got an outstanding IELTS 7 💣😎

#StudentResult #overall7


Guess who nailed the test this time 💣


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