📖 Indo-European Culture

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As India began its decline, the Bhagavad Gita was pinned; stating "out of the corruption of women, proceeds the confusion of castes, out of the confusion of castes, proceeds the loss of memory, out of the loss of memory, proceeds the loss of understanding, and out of this all evil".

The Rigveda (one of the earliest written documents in the world) repeatedly refers to Indra as yellow haired and beard, and speaks of him fighting what are called the "dark and swarthy adversaries", to force them to bow to law and order, and "preserve the Aryan colour", among several other passages that would be deemed so 'racist' in the modern atmosphere.

The Aryan invaders swept into India in approximately 1500-1700 BC and established the hallmark Indo-European tradition of the caste system, worshiped Indra as their highest God. Historians have long thought Indra to be equivalent to the Norse Thor.


An interesting YouTube video about a book published in the 60's but was classified by the CIA and only declassified in 2016 after removing pages. The book describes links between Egyptian, Indo-Aryan, Hellenic, and Sumerian spirituality, as well as links between Atlantis, the Deluge, and Ice Age.


The best representatives of the Royal Scythian element, the 'true Scythans', were those who poured into Europe in earnest between 500 B.C. and just after the birth of Christ (but had been trickling long before), taking advantage of the same wagon-baded mobility and pioneering instincts, using the same horse breeds and similar weaponry and leaving similar burial mounds and artistic remnants in their wake, with similar clothes and armour and customs and traditions and worldview.

It's stated by several historians that the further outward the Scythian tribes were from the central/Royal element, the more wild and 'rough' they tended to be. These outer tribes seemed to be less strict with regards to caste structure and intermixture with peoples they conquered, which gave rise to the Huns and Mongols, among so many others.

Conspiracy? Our Subverted History, Part 2 - The Scythians and Their Kin
Agile, independent, self-sufficient... only taking fights on their own terms, and only when the odds favor them.. refusing to play their opponents games or f...

Highly recommended video on the Scythians. They were a fascinating Indo-European people from whom many cultures and folks are descended from today:

Part 1 -

Western Scythians (Royal Scyths) were tall, blonde/red haired and blue eyed.

Metalwork on Scythian neck/chest jewellery, 2,500 years old.

The Orthodox Nationalist: Lev Gumilev and the Theory of Ethnogenesis II – TON 060618

A good podcast on the Scythian origins of the Mongols, with some stuff about banking at the start and Khazaria at the end.

Archive mp3 link: https://bit.ly/2DLbn9E

Varg a confirmed Atheist larper?

Репост из: 📖 Ancient Restoration
Hammer-gods like the Dagda were the most widely venerated; they were the 'good gods', fatherly protectors laden with tools of work & trade.

Репост из: 📖 Ancient Restoration
"The hammer-god's emblem could symbolise the striking/awakening of life after the 'death' of winter, or the death of people."

Much like a Celtic Thor.
Very Indo-European.
#Celtic #Thor

http://bit.do/Rhaetic (light green):  A potential cousin of Etruscan spoken in the Alps. Its linguistic categorisation is not clearly established, and it presents a confusing mixture of what appear to be Etruscan, Indo-European, and uncertain other elements. Rhaetic could be a cousin of Etruscan, member of the Tyrsenian/Tyrrhenian family, an Indo-European language with ties to the Illyrian languages (native to the Balkans) and Celtic. A third hypothesis could be that Rhaetic is unrelated to other languages but was influenced by Etruscan.

http://bit.do/Lemnian (lighter green): Lamnian is native to the island of Lemnos, in the Aegean Sea, between the coasts of mainland Greece and Turkey. The family bond between Etruscan and Lemnian stems from inscriptions found on funerary stele written in the Etruscan alphabet, proximity in vocabulary and grammar. Phonetic reconstructions concluded that Lemnian had a four-vowel system, which could have developed under the influence of http://bit.do/Hittite (from the Anatolian branch of Indo-European group) and http://bit.do/Akkadian (from the Semitic family) in modern-day Turkey and Middle East. 

http://bit.do/Pelasgian (purple): Little is known about it except that Pelasgian is native to Greece. The etymology of Pelasgian remains a mystery but it was the name given by the Greeks of old to their predecessors, meaning “sea”. The influence of the language can be found in the names of localities and deities in Greece; some non IE sound sequences can be found, such as “-nth-“ (e.g., Corinth, Probalinthos, Zakynthos, Amarynthos) or names like Athena, Thebes or Delphi.  

http://bit.do/Eteocretan (blue): Analysing the written traces gave little to no information about the true nature of Eteocretan, however, it was sufficient to claim that it was neither part of the Indo-European nor the Semitic families. Eteocretan means “true Cretan”. The inscriptions found were written with the Greek alphabet but did not make sense in Greek. It is believed that Eteocretan is a descendant of the Minoan language, the language of the Minoans, whose civilisation arose on the very same island. A writing system called the http://bit.do/Linear-A (dating back to 2500–1450 B.C) was found on Crete and could be Eteocretan ancestor. 

http://bit.do/Eteocypriot (brown): the “True Cyprian” language has left very few engravements for archeologists and linguists to work on. Written in a derivative of the Cretan Linear A, Eteocypriot is speculated to be a member of the Tyrsenian/ Tyrrhenian family (and therefore a cousin to Etruscan) or from the Northwest Semitic (like Aramaic, the language that Jesus supposedly spoke). 

http://bit.do/Tartessian (light blue): The language was spoken before the Roman conquest of the Iberian peninsula. Linguists have yet to establish a link between Tartessian and the surrounding languages. It was first thought to be a member the Celtic family but syllable structure analyses have dismissed this hypothesis. The language is speculated to be a language isolate or linked with non-Indo-European tongues like Iberian and Basque.

http://bit.do/Iberian (orange): Another language that was in the peninsula before the Roman came. Latest works estimate that Iberian was a lingua franca/a koinè; meaning that it was not the maternal language of an ethnic group but rather a language that developed when people of different languages or dialects came into contact. There is no proven connexion between Basque and Iberian.

http://bit.do/Basque (red): the only European isolate still spoken to this day, with approximatively 1 102 391 speakers in Spain and France. Basque most likely antedates the arrival of Indo-Europeans on the continent. There are countless hypotheses about the language family to which Basque belongs to but none has had any success. As explained above, there might be a common history between Iberian and Basque but nothing is sure. A possible ancestor to Basque could be Aquitan, which was the name given to the Basque in Ancient history.

http://bit.do/Pictish (dark blue): Native to Scotland, Pictish spread from the southern border with today’s England to the Shetland Islands. There again, there are heated disputes regarding the family of Pictish. Some schools of thought link Pictish with pre Indo-European populations, others with Germanic tribes while others see in the isolate a potential Celtic language. The last option might be the closest to the truth. The name Pictish bears a certain likeness to the Pictons, a tribe of Celtic descent that gave its name to one of France’s regions, Poitou-Charentes, above Bordeaux and its biggest city, Poitiers. With too little evidence, Pictish has yet to be categorised. 

http://bit.do/Etruscan (dark green): Etruscan is not an isolate per se. Likely relatives were found in the Alps and the Aegean Sea. Approximatively 10,000 inscriptions have been found but none is of great length and even fewer bilingual inscriptions with Latin or Greek. Though unrelated to modern speeches, linguists mostly agree upon its membership to the http://bit.do/Tyrsenian-Tyrrhenian languages. Etruscan is of significant importance because it is through its speakers that the Greek alphabet reached Latin-speaking areas.

Language isolates in Europe

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