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Snopes: "Did AOC Exaggerate the Danger She Was in During Capitol Riot?"

"Mostly false." 😂

Democratic Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez emailed her supporters on Wednesday night to encourage them to mass-report everyone who tweeted #AlexandriaOcasioSmollet, a hashtag making fun of her for claiming she "narrowly" escaped "death" during the Capitol protests despite not even being in the Capitol building.

Democratic Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, whose melodramatic story of "narrowly" escaping "death" during the Capitol protests was the top story the past two days, was not in the Capitol building during the event but instead the Cannon Building down the street -- which a fellow congresswoman says was never "stormed."

The Washington Examiner ran a hysterical column on Monday from "former" CIA officer Kevin Carroll calling for Americans who took part in the mostly peaceful protests at the Capitol to be "ruthlessly hunted down" and treated like Al Qaeda terrorists.

Facebook civil rights VP Roy Austin, a former Obama administration official, wants white police officers to use Oculus VR headsets to watch videos of cops abusing black people as a form of sensitivity training.

The notion social media giants are "private companies" doing whatever they want is officially now dead. These are companies working directly with the government and being pressured directly by the government to restrict lawful, First Amendment-protected speech.

Репост из: ANC Report
Our youtube was deleted

Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio, one of the lead organizers of the Capitol protest and a top "opposition" leader who made headlines for the past two years, was a "prolific" informant for the FBI and local law enforcement for years, according to a court transcript obtained by Reuters.

While the media is celebrating the outing of Tarrio, none of them are asking the most important question: what role did the FBI and their informants have in organizing the "storming" of the Capitol?

Репост из: Michelle Malkin
The NYPost op-ed page canceled me after 15+ years because I defended America First students/Groypers who critiqued Con Inc campus clowns marketing open-borders, Drag Queen Hour, Israel First shilling as "conservatism." Cowards didn't even have the decency to give me a heads-up before they ran their smear piece. The op-ed by Jonathan Tobin was used by liberal websites and certain international newspapers to defame me globally as a white supremacist and all the usual nonsense. But hey, let's all applaud Josh Hawley's op-ed in the NYPost decrying the "left" and "woke capitalism" for endangering the "the right to speak freely, to debate openly, and to address our differences graciously without fear of being silenced or punished for dissenting views!" LOL.

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