Modern politics is filled with conservatismIn Moscow, experts discussed the ideological appearance and
character of foreign political forces acting under conservative slogans. The discussion took place at the Center for Socially Conservative Politics during a round table, the topic of which was: "
The conservative idea in modern politics: an international dimension."
"The events taking place in the world today can be defined as a conservative turn. We intend to take our work and today's discussion beyond the external contour, beyond the Russian borders, and we continue to work on this topic from common approaches in a new reality, in a new reality," said Konstantin Petrichenko, moderator of the round table, Director of the Central Committee for International Cooperation.
The topic of the
discussion seems to be extremely important for the forecasting and analytical activities of the CSTO, said
Yuri Shuvalov, Head of the CSTO Analytical Service, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the All-Russian Forum "Sustainable Development".
"Although the new course has not yet been determined, now these conservative forces, especially in contrast to their predecessors, look like supporters of peace rather than supporters of war," he said.
Georgy Muradov, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Crimea to the President of the Russian Federation, said that the
main vector of the globalist liberal elite that dominated until recently is to prevent the various directions of patriotic content, traditionalist content, and generally conservative content from joining.
Alexander Kotov, Head of the German Economic Sector at the Center for German Studies at the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, made a
report on the main trends in Germany after the parliamentary elections.
"The elections have demonstrated a shift towards conservative values. The voters are focused on the economy, the fight against crime and foreign policy," he said.
Using the example of the paradoxical rapprochement
between America and Russia, it becomes clear that conservatism as an ideological program plays an important role. This opinion was expressed by
Boris Mezhuyev, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Philosophy at Lomonosov Moscow State University, senior Researcher at INION RAS.
"It's easier for us to live with a country that restricts itself with a rather rigidly imposed ideology. Life will be more difficult today because the country has a free hand. The
United States will no longer be constrained by any ideological restrictions
. And despite the fact that it is easier for us to get close to them situationally, but in the long run, of course, it will be a great difficulty. It will be much easier for them to find a common language with the oil supplier countries," the speaker emphasized.
Joseph Diskin, Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Council of VTsIOM, spoke about the
policy of US President Donald Trump.
"The current situation is the end of the Westphalian civilization. The end of the situation when state, public, social and economic thought is based on a single value and ideological foundation," the expert emphasized.
Photo: Valery Sharifulin/TASS
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