Iron Faith ☦

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Orthodox images, monologues, and other forms of media to remind you that Christ is Risen
Orthodox Directory: @ORDlR
Contact me at @SShoggoth

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"Amidst all of this chaos, I am quick in noting -and cataloguing- the good, joyful things in life. Good and joyful are many things found in this collection of writings: things that share the one common feature of being still in existence. I have found nothing good that was ever brought about by progress."

Kaarlo Pentti Linkola
7th December 1932
5th April 2020

Say a prayer in his honor tonight, we lost a good one today.

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Things will get worse before they get better, so as Christ said, sell your possessions and buy a sword. Remember that the cowardly will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

Im not an artist whatsoever, please forgive the simplicity of this picture.

Do you guys want my last post for today to be a simple drawing, a photo edit, or a monologue?
  •   Drawing
  •   Edit
  •   Monologue
16 голосов

Revolt against the modern world, not because it is modern, but because it is evil.

Today, let us remember Father Eleftherios Noufrakis. In 1919, Father Eleftherios and a small group of Greek military men performed the first Divine Liturgy in the Hagia Sophia since May 28th, 1453. He risked it all to perform the Holy Liturgy in the sacred cathedral.

If you ever feel scared in the face of opposition, remember to stand firm, for God Himself truly stands behind you, allow Him to steady your hand. Let us all have no fear in the service of the Lord, brothers.

The only question left now is: What's next?

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In the past few weeks, the system in the USA has revealed itself to be like the well-preserved body of Lenin. The corpse, much like the system, is clean, elegant, and propped up as an idol to be gazed at. But much like our system, it is rotten on the inside. The organs are dust, the bones are hollow and dark brown, and the eyes are made of glass. But unlike the body that sits in Moscow, the satanic corpse that rules over us doesnt have a team of people to repair it. There is no one to put cotton under it's flesh and fresh wax over its skin. Brothers, the system is finally showing its blackened organs to the world

As Christians, we know this already, we see the effects of it personally, which is why, I believe, there is an uptick in depression in the traditionalist community. So what is the solution? The solution is prayer. Call on the Heavenly Father and His only begotten Son to lift your soul from sadness. When all seems dark and dreary, remember that the most beautiful and infinitely powerful being in the universe loved us all so much that He give the world His only Son simply to give me and you a chance at salvation and forgiveness.

So remain vigilant, and take care of your mental health. Despair is a sin which seeks to rot our souls, it is just as addictive as heroin and can have terrible consequences. Pray incessantly, talk to your friends for support, and don't allow despair to triumph in your heart.
In a world of darkness, the followers of Christ should be beacons of hope and light, after all.

Greetings new subscribers! For my first official post, I would like to talk about a pressing issue: Despair and depression amongst the traditionalist community. Depression is very common in the modern world, but most people dont seem to know why. They consume plastic food and work useless jobs and consume chemicals to enable fornication, yet blame their sadness on their parent's failures or on something else convenient. The truth is, they blame their sadness on easy excuses because the truth would send them into deeper despair. The truth is our modern life is devoid of Christ, the system constantly seeks to seperate modern man from God. Most of us simply do not have the life that we should have. Our lives are not prayer filled, our lives arent full of love for the Holy Trinity, our lives are full of Satanic things like adultery and hate.

Welcome to Iron Faith! A channel dedicated to belief in Christ and to fanatical adherence to His law in the modern corpse system we inhabit.

Показано 15 последних публикаций.


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