Репост из: Hyphen-report.com
In a stunning blow to the normally respectful and restrained sexual reputation of pajeets, four Indians are held in custody for raping a lizard.
The incident [...] came to light days after the four accused were booked for illegally entering Chandoli National Park, which is part of the reserve, with one of them carrying a gun for hunting.
Their act was also recorded in a mobile phone of one of the accused persons.
"We have recovered all the related evidence from the accused and they were granted forest department custody initially, but are out on bail now," the forest official said.
Glad to see they're taking lessons from the American "release violent perverts from prison just because" playbook.
The next time your job is eliminated and given to an H1B, keep in mind the brave and stunning recipient probably once asked a reptile to show bobs and vagene.
The incident [...] came to light days after the four accused were booked for illegally entering Chandoli National Park, which is part of the reserve, with one of them carrying a gun for hunting.
Their act was also recorded in a mobile phone of one of the accused persons.
"We have recovered all the related evidence from the accused and they were granted forest department custody initially, but are out on bail now," the forest official said.
Glad to see they're taking lessons from the American "release violent perverts from prison just because" playbook.
The next time your job is eliminated and given to an H1B, keep in mind the brave and stunning recipient probably once asked a reptile to show bobs and vagene.