make it hurts!quotesnya bisa dari
@MakeItHurtsList juga yaah kalo gak ada ide, terserah km aja ;]
👤 Kamu bisa main alat musik?
👤 Apa yg bikin kmu ngerasa worthless?
👤 Kenangan terpahit?
👤 What reminds you most of them?
👤 What’s been the craziest thing you did for love?
👤 What makes you think you don't deserve to be loved?
👤 apa yg bisa dibanggain dari diri sendiri?
👤 first, are you doing fine?
👤 do you have trust issues (?)
👤 things you could never said to them
👤 Do you believe in true love?
👤 When’s the last thing you talk to them
👥 12 people have voted so far.
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