Jawn Oliver

Гео и язык канала: не указан, Английский
Категория: Транспорт

This is where I yell nonsense I came up with after smoking a bowl.

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Гео и язык канала
не указан, Английский
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Well fascists, I hope you're happy. You just militarized our communities with your coup attempt until at least after J20. Fuck you.

Die in a hole chuds

Im now going by Activist Jawn. Fuck you John Sullivan

Activist John isnt antifa. Activist John is not Black Lives Matter. Insurgence USA is a fascist co-opt. Activist John is doing a performance. Stormed the capital and stood over and filmed a person bleed out like they were Jake Paul. Getting in CNN and getting in major news to pretend hes an actual activist and not a performance piece to get a "Antifa Stormed The Capital" line moving is bullshit. It was not our revolution. Seriously. Who the fuck storms the capital just to take selfies?

Also who the fuck breaches and storms the capital and only takes selfies? That's so lame. It's all a performance and without an impact besides enabling others to copy.

What happened in DC today was completely dishonorable and 4 people died. DC hospitals are full. Everything is chaos because of accelerationist bullshit that 3%ers and Proud Boys are doing. Go home. Do bullshit in your community. Not others. You're just invaders.

Getting 100 views on all my posts now even though I got 13 subs. Damn I'm getting powerful

Discord maybe?

Hey 4chan can you feed the homeless? Theres a lot of hungry people

Some guy ranting lmao you're not wrong 4chan

If a bank forcefully consolidates homes in mass foreclosures, they should be penalized for the full value of the asset they stole and consolidated by enforcing violent social murder through eviction in the middle of winter. Kill the banks. Not families.

You'll be the enemies of the world if you follow the ideas of fascism and hate.

Playing Marvel Punisher doesnt make you a hero. Romanticism of killing dissenters and deviants makes you nothing more than a villain wishing to uphold and reinstate structures of oppression. An ideology that wont just result in people like me dying if carried out, but the holders of the ideology dying with it. You cant start a war and expect to live to see the end of it. Meaning your ideas go to the grave as soon as you meet resistance. Theyll die with you. So stop. Think about what you are doing and how it effects others around you. Peoples lives matter and any incitement of terror against another group will be labeled terror and genocide and you'll face opposition from every corner if you carry out strategies of hate and terror.

But they have always preached our death. And we have no reason to be scared of them. Because if they do stand up we will squash them like bugs. They cant fight with a centralized movement and expect to win against a decentralized movement. They can't beat soup cans from the windows. Because that's what will happen at every turn if the far right decided to start a war of terror against everyone who dissents against them.

The main reason they preach our death is because we are finally speaking up about our ideas. They hate the thought of one day losing control over ideology with an iron fist. They hate the idea of freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and freedom itself.

People who preach death for those because of ideology don't do so because of discomfort. They do it because of hate. The are unable to disagree with someone peacefully. They need to use violence to scare those who disagree with them into submission. That is terrorism. Preaching death to socialists, communists, anarchists, abolitionists, collectivists, and liberals for political disagreements is literally terrorism. I disagree a ton with liberals but I dont want them dead. I also disagree with communists. I want them alive though. Because I can handle not getting my way and find ways to disrupt the system with out taking others lives or threatening to.

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