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channel ini cuma buat ngumpulin username aja biar nggak berantakan, kalo ada apa apa harap cek pinned chat ya!

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hfw ini dong

hbd saya

HFW ya moots, makasihh

Репост из: Youngeun
୧˖ ࣪ We are happy to read this tweet when it accidentally appears in your roomchat. I want to sell a handsome username @Youngwun based on Youngeun from KEP1ER!

@YOUNGWUN @Youngwun
@youngwun @YOUNGwUN

✦. Start offer on November 27 until November 31 at 19.00 WIB. Close hours are subject to change.
✦. Starting to offer a price of 15K with a bid of 2K. For serious buyers only, no hit and run please!
✦. Payments can be made via Dana and Spay. If you have other questions, please contact @kimlizk.

೫. Jastip n Handle by @torhuza.

yuk take @youngwun

ehh lupa ada tokped

tolong dong ya jangan jadi orang tolol

aneh aneh aja sih

Репост из: 🎀 𝗟☻𝗟𝗟𝗬 🄿🄸🄽🄺🅈! 💭🛼
(Moots, help fw please?)

Halo, aku Nazky mau ngasih info ke kalian untuk berhati-hati sama orang ini @txinyplushie. Kronologinya, hari ini aku ngeoffer username @.siuhua lalu tiba-tiba dia datang dan marah-marah di comsect aku minta usernamenya dibalikin. Lalu aku chat dia. Aku kirim lah ss an aku pernah jual uname itu di base dagang tapi ga lama setelah itu dia hapus proof aku dan dia juga kirim buktinya tapi bukti yang dia kirim itu ss an aku tadi. Selanjutnya, aku coba record dari homescreen sampai ke base dagang dan aku kasih wm. Tapi ternyata dia juga hapus record aku dan wm aku ditimpa sama dia. Parahnya lagi, dia bikin channel @ProofSiuhua seolah-olah aku ambil username dia padahal proof disana itu punya aku semua. Jadi, tolong banget jgn percaya @ProofSiuhua yaa dan Proof yang asli punyaku itu ada di @ProofSiuhuaTrue. Makasih banyak udah bantu fw in ini, moga kalian semua selalu dalam lindungan Tuhan 🥺♥️
Dan tolong hati-hati yaa, soalnya sekarang orang menghalalkan berbagai cara buat ambil hak kita.

HFW ya moots

Репост из: * iNVERKOOP's – Rest°
UFS !!

@JapkeSim 60k nego
@JcayPark 80k nego

Take all only 125K

cp : @SeulgiJ

Репост из: chokollis, hfw pinned ୨୧
dding-dong! 💌 want to sell this username with fix price ˆ꒳ˆ

ʚ @perkwooyeon: park wooyeon 5k
ʚ @parkwooyeoc: park wooyeon 4k
ʚ @choilxa: choi lia 10k
ʚ @leenagxung: lee nagyung 9k
ʚ @leenagung: lee nagyung 7k
ʚ @unhajung: eunha jung 8k
ʚ @imweojin: im yeojin 3k
ʚ @imjeojin: im yeojin 2k

🧸. payment via DANA only, if you're interested contact our bot @chokollisrobot! ♡

Репост из: ⾕ ` #𝗞 ♡ 𝗬 𝗕 𝗜 𝗘 %!
[ hello moots! can u forward this message? thanks you so much! ]

hi @Levoisa is looking for a new mutuals, idol username are preferred but all type of ba username is allowed! only accept main account, admin upsubs, side or fake account DNI. if you're interested, please contact @levoisabot thank you!

Репост из: TREACORE
[help forward moots]

@JyyPark bo JayPark [35k]
@Huenzingkai bo Hueningkai [35k]
@Yirron bo Yireon [15k]
@Sidcheng bo Sicheng [10k]
@Yukfhei bo Yukhei [10k]
@Chanbgbin bo Changbin [10k]
@Zukhei bo Yukhei [5k]
@Sicjeng bo Sicheng [5k]
@Jgongyeon bo Jeongyeon [5k]

💳 DANA only
☎️ @teumecobot / @treasuregfbot

Репост из: Kiddo$

☆☆☆ up for sale username list with fix price system.

no marga :
@karsina 500.000 IDR
@ryujian 310.000 IDR
@bjunkyu 200.000 IDR
@jvungwon 185.000 IDR
@soowon 200.000 IDR
@ccaibing 185.000 IDR

some username is still negotiable. kindly contact @propeertybot if you interested and want to buy there's username listed, but before that make sure if you already read kiddos tnc.

Репост из: Ahn Yujin.
Replenished the backwoods with adroitness oozing, tremendous charms which were beyond comparison. Perdition of satanic hooligans, terminated with the Elysium fields where delectation would come. By the bloke denominated with Yujin based on IVE and KEP1ER, that will be offered to you based on the offer system!

                    @yRjin                @yRjin
                    @yRjin                @yRjin
                    @yRjin                @yRjin
                    @yRjin                @yRjin

໑. Having a change in letter, still would be readable.
໑. Offer starting from 10.000,- IDR with KB 2.000,- IDR and jump bid is totally allowed.
໑. This username will be offered from November 24th until November 27th at 20.10 WIB.
໑. Payment methods are available only via dana and qris.
໑. Only for serious buyers, using a main account, having a track on bases to avoid Hit and Run.
໑. You can join for telegram x user.

✧ For any inquiries, contact : @fractioous or @fractioousrobot

Репост из: galería HFW 2 PINNED

@DoSyoung 350k @parkjayF 55k
@ChaeryeHng + @leaechaeyeon 50k
@sicheWng 35k @hussDey 20k
@YujimCin 10k @leeQark 50k
@KunZqian 3k @jBenolee 90k

🗯 Nego is allowed
💭 Bisa langsung transfer own
🗯 Fullpay, serious buyer only
💭 Payment avail via qris, shopeepay and dana
🗯 Contact person : @sushiteibot.

Репост из: kay's property
@kimwinterk @kimwinterb @kimwinterq

up for sale with fp 36k nett /@

contact @Enhypenlbot / @KlMWINTER

Репост из: Ukkiyo!

@Wooyyeon: 325k, nego tipiiis (SOP)
@Keumw: 100k, nego tipis
@Wiush: 70k, nego
@Hyuyjae: 42k, nego tipis
@Donnghyun: 85k, nett

- @Keumw + @Wiush: 170k 145k

Contact: @UkkiyoBot

Репост из: Manjies! // ROMBAK
⠀ ✦ ── UP FOR SELL ★★☆

@Cnhifuyu 70.000 NETT
@Saznzu 55.000 NETT
@LYuzuha 45.000 NETT
@Wakasae 40.000 NETT

Grab it fast! Contact @ManjiesBot

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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