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🔠🔠🔠 summer 🔠🔠🔠🔠🔠🅰️🔠🔠

🎊Portfolio uchun juda foydali kelayotgan yoz uchun topshirib ko’ringlar.

📆IVY League nimaligini bilmaydiganlar uchun- bu Dunyodagi Top Univerlar - MIT, Garvard,Stanford, Yale etc .

Just quick reminder: FLEX essay sharing is not allowed 🚫
FLEX Insholarni tarqatish chetlashishga olib keladi 🚫

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Репост из: GrantsgoUz

🟥 REGISTRATION is open until January 31st, 2024

📌For High School Students

🔴Published work on the official HCGEC website.
🔴Exclusive internships with The Harvard Crimson.
🔴Crimson credit with Crimson Education to help reach individual goals.
🔴Generous cash prizes.

Harvard dan fake admission letter olish❌
Harvard ga birma-bir qadam qo’yish✅
Grantsgouz ✈️
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Репост из: Asalkhon Sharipova | Channel
Time blocking | Productivity Hack

How to get your weekly tasks done? - Simply Time Block. The first step is to download Google Calendar, then identify your task categories, e.i. university, work, projects. Distribute the tasks to specific time slots throughout the week, e.i. 3pm - 5pm reading. And do not forget to mark your tasks with the category that you created. To create a category click my calendars + create new one.

Google Calendar 📅
Sticky Notes 🗒️


Бир куни Мусо алайҳиссалом Аллоҳга нолиб қолибди:
“Эй Роббим, қавмимнинг олдидан юрсам ҳам, гап қилади, ўртасидан юрсам ҳам, гап қилади, орқасидан юрсам ҳам, гап қилади”

Шунда Аллоҳ таоло шундай марҳамат қилибди:
“Эй Мусо, бу одамлар сен тугул мени ҳам гап қилади-ку!”

P.S.: Одамларнинг гапи билан ишингиз бўлмасин, барибир гап қиладиганлар топилади.

Ибрат излаганга — ибратдир дунё

Репост из: LIDERLAR
​​​​Мияси майда-чуйда орзуларга тўла одамлар билан узоқ суҳбат қурманг. Улар сизнинг катта орзу-мақсадларингизни чўктиради.

Ҳаётдан аламзада ва норози инсонлар билан мулоқот қилманг. Ундайлар сизнинг ҳаётга бўлган қизиқишингизни, умидингизни сўндиради.

Жуда ҳам эҳтиёткор ва қўрқоқларни фикрларига қулоқ солманг. Улар туфайли таваккалга қўл уролмайсиз.

Дангаса, ишёқмаслар билан дўстлашманг. Акс ҳолда сизнинг миянгиз ҳам уларникига ўхшаб ҳаётда ўсиш учун имкониятлар эмас, кўпроқ ухлаш учун сабаблар излай бошлайди.

Катта орзулар қилинг, мақсадлар қўйинг. Унга етиш режасини тузинг ва бу йўлда сиз билан елкама-елка муаммоларингизни ҳал қилувчи, қувончингизга шерик бўлувчи дўстлар орттиринг!


Репост из: GrantsgoUz
🔤🔤🔤 🔠🅰️🔠🔠🔠🔠

• Your annual family income falls within the Income Eligibility Guidelines set by the USDA Food and Nutrition Service (provided below).
• You are enrolled in a federal, state, or local program that aids students from low-income families (e.g., Federal TRIO programs such as Upward Bound).
• Your family receives public assistance.
• You live in federally subsidized public housing, a foster home, or are homeless.
• You are a ward of the state or an orphan.

⏺the full cost of registration for the SAT. 
⏺sending your scores to colleges.
⏺If you're using a fee waiver to register, then you'll get an four additional score reports sent to colleges for a total of eight free score reports!
⏺ College Board's Question and Answer Service (QAS) or Student Answer Service (SAS) if ordered at the time of registration.

💬Do you meet the eligibility criteria? If so, you can request a fee waiver directly from the College Board.

Reaksiya bosish pullikmu bo’tam🙂
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I will sent best and amazing pictures and places in Texas.


Texas is a state in the South Central region of the United States. At 268,596 square miles, and with more than 30 million residents in 2023, it is the second-largest U.S. state by both area and population.

The state bird of Texas is the mockingbird. Texas' state flower is the bluebonnet.

Texas is known for its legendary cowboy culture, its large cities, its diverse landscapes, its delicious Tex-Mex cuisine, and its strong southern hospitality. It is also famous for its cattle and oil industry, its rodeos, its music, and its unique Texan culture.

The legal status of Texas is the standing of Texas as a political entity.

The story goes that the word “Texas” itself comes from the Caddo word for “friends”. The Caddo were a confederacy of Native American tribes that dominated East Texas. The Spanish set up a mission in the region in the 17th century, led by friar Damián Massanet.

Yes, Texas is a football state, a rodeo state through and through. But it's also the number one golf state in the country.

With no corporate or personal income tax, companies doing business in Texas enjoy one of the lowest overall tax burdens in the country. In addition, Texas offers lower business operating cost when compared to other U.S. states.

The summers in Texas provide long stretches of clear skies and warm temperatures. Our rainy season is mainly in the spring (March-May) and sometimes the early fall (September-October) as seasons begin to change. Showers are generally short and intense and rainy periods last 1 - 2 days. The winters are fairly mild.

The cost of living in Texas is 8% lower than the national average. Housing is 16% lower than the national average, while utilities are 3% higher. When it comes to basic necessities such as food and clothing, groceries are around 4% lower than in the rest of the country, while clothing costs 4% lower.

Texas earns top-five rankings in the the categories of education (No. 4) and health (No. 4), and ranked No. 6 in the study's social and civic engagement category. The state falls slightly behind in the employment and wealth category, ranking No. 13 overall.

Based on WalletHub's analysis, Texas ranks No. 37 in the list of top states to live in, with a livability score is 48.56. This is where Texas ranks among the 50 states in each category: Affordability: 34.

If you wanna learn about this country whole you can visit this site.

For more information:

#rewiev #2book

Ajoyib va samarali kitob.Eng ko'p diniy bandlari menga yoqti.O'gay ona so'zini shu kungacha noto'g'ri talqin qilayotganimni tushindim.
O'zining bolalari bo'lmasada Alloh rizoligi uchun birovning zurriyotlarini o'zi o'gay onaligini bildirmasdan oq yuvib oq taragan ayol timsoli gavdalangan.Muqova ajoyib bu kitob tarjima qilingan ekan qanaqadir gaplar bir ikki joyda qovushmaganmi ya'ni inson qalbini ich ichiga kirib kirmaydi.Shunga balki tarjimada xato bordir degan xulosaga keldim.Shaxsiy fikrim.
O'qishli kitob.



Qahva hayot kabidir.Shakar yoki achhiq qahvani qancha qoʻshishing oʻzinga bogʻliq.

Репост из: GrantsgoUz
The 5AM Club.epub
The 5 AM Club.m4b
🔠🔠🔠🔠🔠🔠 📚❤️‍🩹
The 5 AM Club By Robin Sharma

Репост из: GrantsgoUz
Unis grants - @grantsgouz.pdf
AQShga o’qishga topshirayotganlar uchun ma'lumotlar to'plami.
— 300 ta universitet;
— joylashuv (shahar, shtat);
— universitet turi (xususiy/davlat);
— reytinglarda oʻrin;
- qabul qilingan talabalarning umumiy soni;
xalqaro ishchilar va davlatlar soni;
— moddiy yordam turlari, nomlari va miqdorlari;
— ACT va SAT natijalari;
— qabul foizlari va ED & RD muddati;
— talab qilinadigan TOEFL//IELTS ballari;
- kampusda ishlash;
— birinchi kurs talabalari va bitiruvchilar foizi.
❤❤❤❤ 🐝🍓

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We will listen it togather ❤️

Репост из: GrantsgoUz
🔤🔤🔤 fee waiver
2. Just write an email to fin aid office asking fee waiver from Uni.

Озбекчада сораганлар учун🙌

Репост из: NewYorker’s blog 🇺🇸🇺🇿
#usa 🇺🇸

GPA past bo'lsa ham Amerika universitetlariga topshirish mumkinmi?

⚡️ Bizning ta'lim tizimimizdan farqli ravishda AQSH da ball sistemasi 4 ballda xisoblanadi. 5 baholaringiz 94% dan baland bo'lsa sizning GPA balingiz eng yuqori xisoblanadi.

📌 Keling, endi eng quyidan eng yuqorigacha bo'lgan GPA ballarini ko'rib chiqamiz.

▪️ 1,5 -2 – juda past;
▪️ 2 - 2,5 – past;
▪️ 2,5 - 2,69 – past;
▪️ 2,7 - 3 – o'rtacha;
▪️ 3 - 3,5 – yaxshi;
▪️ + 3,5 – yuqori.

🎙 GPA qanday xisoblanishi haqida bilib oldingiz, endi eng past maktab baholari bilan qaysi Amerika universitetlariga topshirish mumkinligini sanab o'tamiz.

📍 Yuqori GPA talab qilmaydigan universitetlar:

– Adelphi University – 2,5;
– Louisiana State University – 2;
– North Carolina state university – 2;
– Lewis Clark State College – 2;
– Southern New Hampshire University – 2,5;
– Southern New university at New Orleans – 2,3;
– Metropolitan college of New York - 2,1;
– Purdue university Global – 2,5;
– California state university – 3,2;
– Southern Arkansas University – 3,3;
– Massachusetts state university – 3,3;
– Univesity of Wisconsin – 3,2.

🎓 Ushbu universitetlar sizdan yuqori GPA talab qilmasada, asosiy fokusni qabul jarayonida quyidagilarga qaratishadi:

– Ish tajribasing borligi yoki faolliklaringiz;
– Recommendation letter;
– Co-Curricular
– High scores in core modules and subjects;
– Yuqori darajadagi natijalar (GMAT/GRE/SAT/ACT).

❗️Post siz uchun foydali bo'ladi, degan umiddamiz. Uni o'zingizga saqlab qolish va do'stlarga jo'natishni unutmang!

#share @NewYorkerBlog

Репост из: Asalkhon Sharipova | Channel
Ibrat Farzandlari Interview 🚀

Crazy fact: 2 days ago I had a dream of watching this interview and also sharing it with you. It was exactly the same- deja vu. Also first time doing it in Uzbek 🇺🇿 (with accent 😅)

Click HERE to watch


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