The Kevin MacDonald Society

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For the promotion and dissemination of Kevin MacDonald's works for the benefit of gentiles.
Take action by buying MacDonald's books for your own education and consider buying copies as gifts to friends, families and libraries.

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Репост из: @TheFeedReaderBot
The Occidental Observer
Guillaume Faye: The Necessity of Contemplating an Ethnic War for Survival

Guillaume Faye Prelude to War: Chronicle of the Coming Cataclysm Arktos, 2021.  “A people who no longer think about waging war are finished, drained of their substance and worn out from the inside.” Guillaume Faye, Prelude to War I discovered the writings of Guillaume Faye only after his death in 2019, when Arktos published a […]

Репост из: @TheFeedReaderBot
The Occidental Observer
Critical Race Theory as a Jewish Intellectual Weapon

Make no mistake about it: we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed — not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed. Noel Ignatiev in his journal Race Traitor The open pursuance of ‘Whiteness Studies’ must be perceived as […]

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