Kinism: Nationalism & Agnosticism
Previously, we outlined the necessity of Christianity for nationalism by exposing the error of atheism. In addition to atheism, however, agnosticism is equally popular among nationalists, and this too is foolish. Agnosticism is the view or belief that the reality or unreality of God is unknown or unknowable. However, for an Agnostic Nationalist, this creates a paradoxical error.
If you cannot or don't know of an objective standard, such as God, then you are left with only subjectivity. In simple terms, objectivity means having a fixed and universal standard that doesn't change, while subjectivity suggests that meaning depends on individual perspectives.
The absence of a known unchanging external standard implies that there is no knowable set meaning to anything; hence, meaning must vary from person to person, becoming mere subjective opinion. In short, there is no standard beyond oneself. Therefore, a consistent agnostic is necessarily a skeptic and cannot hold any dogmatic position on true morality. This is the fatal error of an agnostic nationalist, for if you assert that one cannot definitively know true morality, then the definite moral assertion that nationalism is the correct position—that your folk truly do have special meaning—is contradictory. For how could it possibly be that true definite morality is unknowable, yet at the same time, you claim to know it is, without a doubt, truly moral to support one's nation? This is illogical.
An illogical movement is a foolish one. Nationalism needs Christianity; you need Christianity. You need Kinism.
Previously, we outlined the necessity of Christianity for nationalism by exposing the error of atheism. In addition to atheism, however, agnosticism is equally popular among nationalists, and this too is foolish. Agnosticism is the view or belief that the reality or unreality of God is unknown or unknowable. However, for an Agnostic Nationalist, this creates a paradoxical error.
If you cannot or don't know of an objective standard, such as God, then you are left with only subjectivity. In simple terms, objectivity means having a fixed and universal standard that doesn't change, while subjectivity suggests that meaning depends on individual perspectives.
The absence of a known unchanging external standard implies that there is no knowable set meaning to anything; hence, meaning must vary from person to person, becoming mere subjective opinion. In short, there is no standard beyond oneself. Therefore, a consistent agnostic is necessarily a skeptic and cannot hold any dogmatic position on true morality. This is the fatal error of an agnostic nationalist, for if you assert that one cannot definitively know true morality, then the definite moral assertion that nationalism is the correct position—that your folk truly do have special meaning—is contradictory. For how could it possibly be that true definite morality is unknowable, yet at the same time, you claim to know it is, without a doubt, truly moral to support one's nation? This is illogical.
An illogical movement is a foolish one. Nationalism needs Christianity; you need Christianity. You need Kinism.