ㅤㅤ » GIVEAWAY, ad: chapt, 15 month.
ㅤ 得到它 ·— majestic, HEROICAL. ㊯ ‣
⟩ playload....
what’s that? • today March 30th is our 15th month anniversary! fantastical theatrical, it's really arctic, this store lanang rant has been running for quite a long time and is known to many people, trust has been built in the name of lanang rant. get this giveaway together
@lanangrent you will
get a giveaway of 5,000 IDR for 10 people. regardless wait a minute, before that we have conditions or regulations that you have to fulfill first.
of ━╋
regulation.) ✎
1. firstly, don't forget, you have to subscribe to
@lanangrent first so you can see the more quality we have.
2. secondly, for boots ch lanang [
t.me/boost/lanangrent], if nonprem just subs ch
3. write to say mensiversary for the
@lanangrent, give your wish, and serial number from 1-50 to my next agency in comset.
⟩ take part in the giveaway that we are holding right now with enthusiasm,
before we close tomorrow at 6pm! don't miss your chance. 🂱