Репост из: Jack Fell Unfelled
Trump publicly distances himself from Project 2025
This is no surprise. It's what Trump does every time he gets media pushback for flirting with meager right-wing policy. Project 2025 was a plan to fix Trump's historical personnel problems in order to implement his policy proposals. Now that he's disavowed it, what can we actually expect from a 2nd Trump presidency?
The same personnel problems that plagued his 1st presidency. The return of Javanka. Governing as a moderate boomer Republican. Lip service to the shrinking White base but with policy geared toward anti-racism to cater to growing the GOP as the civic nationalist working class party. Pandering to shitlib shibboleths to unite the country. And if he attempts a half-hearted deportation effort, it will be tied up in the courts for years.
It's infuriating. Years of frustration and energy down the toilet to keep the zombie animated. But that's the issue. The public may latch onto policy proposals like mass deportation out of frustration with a Biden administration, but seeing them through? No.
The public wants a return to normalcy. Like a baby clinging to a blanket. They don't want radical action. Biden was promised as a return to normalcy after the media circus years of Trump that ended with a pandemic. Instead, the Biden administration was a kamikaze attack on White America with the goal of permanently transforming the country into a one party state to permanently prevent a right-wing populist challenge to the liberal consensus status quo. The threats of fascism under Trump have always been hollow, especially when he was the last president and life was economically better under him. The public remembers this. They want to go back.
This is where reality sets in. America is still a very comfortable country. Americans want comfort. Trump and the GOP offer hospice care for the country better than anyone. We're not going to get any movement on the issues plaguing America until the older generations give up power.
That doesn't mean give up. It means keep pushing until the dam breaks. In that time, focus on real life. Build yourself. Talk to people. Start a business. Build community. Run for local office. None of this is easy. It won't be. But it's the only way. You must invest. You must have skin in the game. We need a nation of strong fathers ready to steward whatever America turns into. We need strong mothers caring for their families. That's the only way out. It's a generational battle.
No one is coming to save us, but us.
This is no surprise. It's what Trump does every time he gets media pushback for flirting with meager right-wing policy. Project 2025 was a plan to fix Trump's historical personnel problems in order to implement his policy proposals. Now that he's disavowed it, what can we actually expect from a 2nd Trump presidency?
The same personnel problems that plagued his 1st presidency. The return of Javanka. Governing as a moderate boomer Republican. Lip service to the shrinking White base but with policy geared toward anti-racism to cater to growing the GOP as the civic nationalist working class party. Pandering to shitlib shibboleths to unite the country. And if he attempts a half-hearted deportation effort, it will be tied up in the courts for years.
It's infuriating. Years of frustration and energy down the toilet to keep the zombie animated. But that's the issue. The public may latch onto policy proposals like mass deportation out of frustration with a Biden administration, but seeing them through? No.
The public wants a return to normalcy. Like a baby clinging to a blanket. They don't want radical action. Biden was promised as a return to normalcy after the media circus years of Trump that ended with a pandemic. Instead, the Biden administration was a kamikaze attack on White America with the goal of permanently transforming the country into a one party state to permanently prevent a right-wing populist challenge to the liberal consensus status quo. The threats of fascism under Trump have always been hollow, especially when he was the last president and life was economically better under him. The public remembers this. They want to go back.
This is where reality sets in. America is still a very comfortable country. Americans want comfort. Trump and the GOP offer hospice care for the country better than anyone. We're not going to get any movement on the issues plaguing America until the older generations give up power.
That doesn't mean give up. It means keep pushing until the dam breaks. In that time, focus on real life. Build yourself. Talk to people. Start a business. Build community. Run for local office. None of this is easy. It won't be. But it's the only way. You must invest. You must have skin in the game. We need a nation of strong fathers ready to steward whatever America turns into. We need strong mothers caring for their families. That's the only way out. It's a generational battle.
No one is coming to save us, but us.