I am small and the world is big🙂🙃🙂

Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
Категория: не указана

Created day: 14.06.2022.☺
Everything you can imagine is real😉
Just believe in your dreams😊
Bye, have to study so I can be better than everyone I hate😉

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
не указан, не указан
не указана
Фильтр публикаций

Call for Applications 📢. Apply For the Fully Funded International Youth Forum 2025 in Washington, DC! USA 🇺🇲

Open to all nationalities. IELTS is Not Required.

The Program Covers Airfare, Meals, Accommodation, Conference Access, Certificates and Congress Tour.

Apply Now: https://opportunitiescorners.com/future-diplomats-forum/

Deadline: 20th January 2025

#FDF2025 #FutureDiplomatForum #HeadwayInstitute

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This weather needs only snow❄️

Hello everyone, I congratulate you on International Volunteer Day 🤍

From Business Marathon

She’s 10/10 because she is shy & extrovert

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Take care of yourself, wear warmer🙃

Foggy and cold day😶‍🌫

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the more people join in my channel, the more I get responsible🙃

Plans for winter
A handy planner to help you get things done during the season. Write down your goals and plans on the left, and enter them into the calendar for a specific date on the right.

If you have plans and time in front of you, you can complete your plans faster and not put off your goals for a long time.

Our achievements don’t need to be important to other people – they need to be important to us.


What has 2024 meant to you ❓

The purpose of reviewing our year is to take the learning forwards by being in alignment with what’s important to us

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