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❤️ The Appeal of Mystery in Relationships

It's no secret that women are naturally curious, and this keeps them intrigued in relationships. When a man embraces an air of mystery, it can spark a woman's interest and keep her engaged. But what makes mystery so effective, and how can you use it wisely?

Curiosity Drives Interest

Women often enjoy uncovering layers of a person's character, especially when they can't predict someone's next move. When you're not entirely transparent, it keeps her wondering about you, and this amplifies her attraction.

Being mysterious isn't about withholding information or being distant—it's about subtlety. You don't have to share everything about yourself right away. By leaving certain things unsaid, you invite her to explore and discover more about who you are over time. This slow reveal adds depth to the relationship, making every interaction feel like a new chapter in a compelling story.

Creating Anticipation

When you're not overly forthcoming, it leaves room for imagination. Keeping some parts of yourself under wraps to create a sense of anticipation. Sometimes, holding back just enough allows her to be more curious, keeping the dynamic lively. She’ll naturally seek to learn more, and that pursuit adds an element of excitement to the relationship.

The key is to reveal your layers over time, rather than all at once.

Balance Is Key

While mystery can be captivating, it's important not to overdo it. Too much secrecy can come across as evasiveness or a lack of trust. The goal is to maintain a healthy balance where you're open enough to build a connection but mysterious enough to keep her curious.

Satisfying your partner in your most intimate moments is about much more than physical technique. It's a holistic approach that combines attentiveness, effort, respect, and consent.

By truly listening to her needs, making a conscious effort to fulfill them, and always prioritizing respect and consent, you can create deeply satisfying experiences that strengthen your bond and nurture your relationship.

Remember, the journey to mutual satisfaction is ongoing. Stay open to learning, growing, and evolving together, and you'll find that the rewards of this approach extend far beyond the bedroom, enriching your entire relationship.

Men often lean towards choosing a shy, polite, and soft-spoken woman with little to no achievements, over a confident, arrogant, financially independent, and successful career woman.

At first glance, this may seem shallow or superficial.

But when you think about how many women would still choose a driven, arrogant man with a successful career over a kind, polite man who has yet to achieve anything significant, it becomes clear.

We aren't just driven by appearances or success—our preferences highlight how truly different the male and female perspectives on relationships can be.

It is all about emotions

Most women don't care about who you are or what you have; they care about how you make them feel. Even women who choose wealthier men do so because of the feelings that wealth brings them.

If she picks other men over you, it's because you don't make her feel the way they do. Period. Don't overthink it.

⭐️ Reclaiming Purpose in a Shifting Professional Landscape

In recent years, a profound shift has occurred in our society, leading to widespread discontent and a sense of aimlessness. The root cause of this societal malaise is surprisingly simple: a widespread lack of purpose. To understand this phenomenon and find a solution, we need to examine how our relationship with work has changed over generations.

The Old Paradigm: Career as Identity

For our parents' generation, the concept of a lifelong career was not just common; it was expected. Your profession became an integral part of your identity:

- If you became a pilot, you were a pilot for life.
- If you chose to be a chef, that was your lifelong calling.
- Becoming a teacher meant embracing that role as a permanent part of who you were.

These long-term jobs provided more than just financial stability; they offered a sense of purpose and a clear place in society. Your career wasn't just what you did; it was who you were.

The New Reality: Corporate Impermanence

Fast forward to today, and the landscape has changed dramatically. The corporate world no longer operates on the same principles it did in the 80s or 90s. Companies are no longer built with longevity in mind. Instead, we're witnessing a "race to the bottom" as businesses prioritize finding the cheapest labor over fostering long-term employee relationships.

This shift has left many feeling adrift. The promise of a lifelong career with a single company has evaporated, taking with it the sense of identity and purpose that such stability once provided.

A New Approach: Skill-Based Identity

So, how do we reclaim our sense of purpose in this new, more fluid professional world? The answer lies in a fundamental shift in how we view our professional identities.
Embrace Skill Over Company

Instead of tying your identity to a specific job or company, focus on developing a core skill or set of skills. This skill should be something you can apply across various companies and industries, giving you flexibility in an ever-changing job market. By focusing on a skill, you're committing to ongoing learning and improvement, which can provide a sense of purpose and progress. Your skill becomes your means to finance your life, freeing you from dependence on any single employer.

With a skill-based identity, you're better equipped to navigate the frequent job changes that characterize modern careers. By adopting this approach, you're no longer putting all your eggs in one basket. Instead of risking "going bust" every few years when a company downsizes or closes, you have a transferable skill that can open doors across multiple organizations/companies.


The key to combating the purposelessness plaguing our society lies in adapting to the new realities of the professional world. By shifting our focus from company-based identities to skill-based ones, we can reclaim a sense of purpose and direction. This approach not only provides greater job security but also allows for continuous personal growth and a more resilient sense of self in an ever-changing world.

⭐️ What Others Think is Secondary

The desire to be liked, followed, and admired is pathetic. It often leads individuals to engage in activities they don't truly enjoy or that may even be harmful to them. This quest for approval can result in wasted time, energy, and resources, ultimately detracting from their overall happiness and well-being.

Social media creates a culture of comparison and competition. People attend events, wear certain clothes, and adopt lifestyles that may not align with their true selves, all in the hope of receiving validation from their peers and mostly strangers. This constant need for approval leads to a superficial existence, where genuine interests and passions are sidelined.


The pursuit of short-term validation is leading to harmful behaviors, and a lifetime of regret and consequences that far outweigh any fleeting sense of acceptance. Seeking validation can also have significant financial implications. People spending beyond their means to keep up with the latest trends, gadgets, or lifestyle choices. It is so foolish!

When people prioritize the opinions of others over their own desires and values, they lose touch with their true selves. This disconnection can lead to a lack of fulfillment and a sense of emptiness. Authenticity is key to building genuine relationships and finding true happiness. When individuals live inauthentically, they may attract people who are interested in their façade rather than their true selves.

Break Free

You don’t need anyone to approve of the way you choose to live your life. Living authentically attracts genuine respect. Make choices based on what you want, not what others think. Pursue a career or hobbies that truly excite you, not what others expect of you.

True confidence doesn’t rely on external approval but comes from within. If you don't enjoy alcohol, don't feel pressured to go to parties in the club. You are an adult with a brain and autonomy—live your life on your own terms.

Why Money Can't Buy Lasting Happiness

After reaching a certain level of financial stability—having a nice place to live, bills paid, and a few million in the bank—there's not much that can significantly improve your quality of life. Here are three examples that illustrate this point:

1. Housing

Say you own a nice house. If you make more money and buy a bigger, more expensive house, will it truly enhance your happiness? The answer is no. A larger house is just a bigger box. The core aspects of your daily life remain unchanged. The additional space and luxury do not necessarily translate into greater happiness. Your quality of life is largely the same as before.

2: Air Travel

Consider the difference between flying first class and flying private. Upgrading from a smaller private plane to a larger one, or from first class to a private jet, might save you an hour at the airport. But will this significantly boost your happiness? No, it won't. The minor conveniences and luxuries of private travel are not life-changing. They offer a temporary thrill but do not fundamentally alter your life satisfaction.

3: Cars and Food

Imagine upgrading from a nice BMW to a Lamborghini. It's exciting for a week or two, but soon it becomes just another car that looks cooler and goes faster. The same goes for food and other luxuries. These material upgrades offer fleeting pleasure but do not lead to a lasting increase in happiness. They don't change the essential nature of your life.

The Truth About Money and Happiness

The simple truth is that after you have adequate living space, freedom of time and choice, and the absence of financial stress, there's nothing you can buy that will dramatically improve your life quality. You can only reach a certain level of happiness. Whether you're Jeff Bezos on a $500 million yacht or a college student at a frat party, your potential for happiness is fundamentally the same. It's all about perspective.

Real happiness comes from doing what you love every day and maintaining good health—both of which can be achieved relatively early in your wealth journey. Don't get me wrong, enjoying nice things is fun. I've experienced expensive vacations and bought very nice things. However, I never found a level of happiness in these experiences that I couldn't achieve elsewhere in life.

I've derived more joy from playing soccer, spending time with my girlfriend on the beach, and other relatively simple activities. In short, your happiness will mostly remain the same no matter how rich you get. You can't exceed 100% happiness. Both you and Jeff Bezos have the same cap.

What money can do is buy you out of stress and give you more choices. However, this doesn't require immense wealth. Achieving an average level of financial security is sufficient to eliminate financial stress and provide the freedom to make choices that align with your values and passions.


Ultimately, while money can alleviate stress and provide comfort, it cannot buy lasting happiness. True fulfillment comes from meaningful experiences, relationships, and doing what you love. Once your basic needs are met, additional wealth has diminishing returns on your overall happiness. It's essential to focus on what truly brings joy and fulfillment rather than constantly chasing material upgrades.

🔎 Debunking the Myth: "There Are No Good Women Anymore"

Nowadays, some claim that "there are no good women anymore." If this were true, society would face dire consequences. Marriages would cease, reproduction rates would plummet, and children raised without proper parental love and care would grow up to become degenerates, turning the world into a dystopia within two or three generations.

This grim scenario is highly unlikely. Why? Because the claim is fundamentally flawed.

Misconception About Women

The reality is not that there are no good women; rather, it has become increasingly difficult for men to identify good women. On the other hand, it has become easier for women to spot men who are not worth their time.

• The Shifting Dynamics

Society's dynamics have changed. Women have more autonomy and opportunities than ever before. They are no longer compelled to settle for unsuitable partners. Instead, they can focus on their careers, personal growth, and well-being (fun). This shift has empowered women to make more discerning choices regarding relationships.

• The Challenge for Men

Men, on the other hand, need to adapt to these changes. The traditional markers of a good woman may no longer apply. Men must learn to recognize newer qualities such as independence, ambition, and emotional intelligence, which are increasingly valued in today's society.

Remember, good women—and men—are out there. It's all about knowing where and how to look.

How to Act When a Woman Ignores You

Shooting your shot and dating can be tricky, especially when the other person decides to pull away or ignore you. Here are some strategies to maintain your composure and self-respect during such times.

1. Don't React Emotionally

It's natural to feel hurt or confused when someone ignores you, but it's crucial to stay composed. Reacting emotionally can often escalate the situation or push the person further away. Instead, maintain your cool. Your ability to handle her silence with grace speaks volumes about your character. Stay calm, polite, and don't let her behavior shake your confidence.

2. Mirror Her Behavior

When she ignores you, it's tempting to reach out continuously in hopes of a response. However, consider mirroring her behavior instead. By doing this, you communicate that you won't tolerate being ignored and that you value yourself enough to not chase after someone who doesn't reciprocate. This can also make her realize what she might be missing out on.

3. Shift Your Focus

Take this opportunity to focus on yourself. Redirect your energy from her to your own goals and interests. Pursue your hobbies, spend time with loved ones, and invest in your personal growth. By prioritizing your well-being, you show that her silence doesn't define your happiness. This shift not only improves your mood but also enhances your self-esteem.

4. Rise Above Expectations

Don't let her see you struggling or desperate for her attention. Instead, challenge her perceptions by showcasing your strengths and capabilities. Let your actions speak louder than her silence. By rising above her expectations, you prove that you are strong and resilient, regardless of her behavior.

5. Engage in Fun Activities

Focus on activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Surround yourself with positivity and laughter. This not only distracts you from the situation but also reinforces your sense of self-worth. Whether it's spending time with friends, engaging in a hobby, or exploring new interests, keeping yourself busy and happy is key.

6. Maintain Polite Detachment

If you happen to encounter her, remain polite but emotionally detached. Civility without emotional investment shows your maturity and independence. Being nice while keeping a distance communicates that you respect yourself enough not to be swayed by her indifference.

By following these strategies, you can maintain your dignity and self-worth, no matter how someone else chooses to treat you. Remember, your happiness and confidence should come from within, not from external validation.


I've been focusing my energy on my new business, and I'm glad to announce that it has finally reached a level where I feel comfortable enough to spare some time for this channel. The business has finally found its footing!

I'm curious to know what topics you guys would like me to discuss going forward. Share your suggestions in the comments section.

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Sex is everywhere, but loyalty, commitment, trust, care, and support aren’t.

Don't text a girl "hey."

Starting a conversation with just "hey" can come across as weak, unengaging, and lacks confidence.

1. Follow basic grammar rules, begin your sentences with a capital letter. This small detail will make a significant difference in how your message is perceived.

2. Nobody just says "hey" in real life. Imagine approaching someone IRL and simply saying "hey" without any follow-up. It's unlikely you would do that. Similarly, in texting, "hey" should be followed by something more substantial to keep the conversation going, regardless of whether she responds immediately or not.

3. Sending a single word and waiting for a response creates an impression of shyness or a lack of confidence, which is often unappealing to women. Instead, try texting something more direct and engaging, like, "Hey, I am going to the movies on Saturday and I would love it if you accompanied me."

This approach is straightforward, confident, and shows clear intent, making it more attractive and effective.

You guys when I talk shit about poor quality women: 👏

You guys when I talk shit about poor quality men: 👎

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"A woman that can be bought isn't worth having"

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Perfectly put

There are many reasons why your woman wouldn't want to have sex with you:

- A decreased sex drive due to stress, exhaustion, or the side effects of certain medications (especially contraceptives).

- She is no longer attracted to you. It's possible that you've let yourself go, neglected personal hygiene, gained weight, or shown emotional detachment, you are emotionally absent, or you have become unromantic.

- She could also be cheating on you with a sexually or sensually better man.

Reading through the comments, it is appalling that most of you are quick to conclude that it is the woman's fault, she is obviously cheating, and you should cheat on her in return.

If you feel like your partner isn't sexually excited to you anymore, talk to them about it, if talk won't work, refrain from initiating intimate encounters for a period and observe any changes. If there's no improvement, address the issue once more, expressing your readiness to part ways if that's genuinely how you feel.

Men who agree to enter a monogamous relationship and then cheat later are losers. If you want to have sex elsewhere after marriage, it means you made a bad decision or you are about to make a bad decision, it means you are a failure, you have failed in marriage.

Divorce and try again. Don't hide a relationship from your wife. Are you scared of her or are you ashamed of yourself and what you are doing?

Lastly, if you are a man who cheats on their wife/girlfriend for vengeance because she cheated on you, you are a bigger pussy than her.

If you were him, what could you do?

Cassie personifies the 3 stages a modern woman goes in her dating life

First Stage:

She was in a relationship with a good man Ryan Leslie, who treated her nice. But she would leave him the day Diddy visited them at a studio session. It's called hypergamy, the insatiable nature of women, of wanting the most powerful man

Second Stage:

Now she's with Diddy, this powerful man who literally controls the music industry. In her mind, she thinks this powerful man will push her to the next level, but alas her music career starts declining. Instead this man sees her for what she sees, a shameless opportunist, so he uses and ab×ses her

Third Stage:

Now washed up, probably Diddy done with her as there's always a new "popstar" who wants to fxck the boss. She leaves the relationship, finally settles with a "real man" (a boneless sucker). A man who will heal what he didn't damage

— There's really nothing to feel pity about Cassie in this whole saga, it was just karma, she left Ryan Leslie heartbroken only to end up being literally broken by the man he left Ryan for

It should be a lesson to all these women, those rich powerful men you run to, majority of them view you as nothing but toys for their own pleasure.

— Diddy is a horrible person but that's what Hollywood really is. Nothing will probably happen to him.

"How to Become a Kisser" has exceeded my wildest sales expectations!

I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who purchased a copy. Your support means the world to me. And most importantly, I'm thrilled that you loved it!

Thank you! ❤

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