mago-boo’ {open}.

Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
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{ an entice soul loveth wear scathless lardy blouse, sophic pattern execute a new dreamland; ‘‘adorable art made by precious heart!’’ } bunch’o cheeriness, miroel.
🛒—ʬʬ. mabootuals: @magoboo_bot (only hfw)
🛒—ʬʬ. other: @magomine @magotrice

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wow sblas lagi :pp


Репост из: ㅤ𖤝 firop de fraise, close.
mitys... you guys know what.. *drumrolls* JENGJENGJENG!!!! believe me when i say THIS ONE surpassed every single inch of my expectations due to the fact that miyooooo and her dwelling jewellery @magoboo was the amazing editor to design these icons specially just for me. miyo had magic hand, isn’t it mitys? yes. definitely yes. because i swear imma fight if any of you said so (i’m not joking) anyways! t___t i’d love to staring your handwork for hours. tons of luck for one of my beloved editor ever! ever! ever! mitys go check her handwork, you won’t regret it. pinky promise. 😁🌷

@heartlithy selamat atas 300 bayi kecebongnyaaaa!!

jajan xixi

ini niihh letak formatnya di bawah impeccable title!!! jangan bingung lagi okeee, kalau ada yang masih bingung tanya keee @adocentbot. 🐱

kalian ada yang bingung letak formatnya enggaaaa??


blessed morning, maboo. jangan lupa jajan! 💌

🐇 {plomb imp open the chinkle gates, within dreamland declare that MAGOBOO finally open}; send your love-format to @ordder and don't forget read the regulations first before you ordering. untuk freebies icons kalian bisa di liat di @freebooe yaa! happy shooping, boo. much heart, miroel.

👩🏻‍🎨👚 loreal utopian ply an assembly of scatheless cheeriness:dawn-of-love! ·‌· ♡ ꒱

❤️ mutuaallss, please help me share this love letter tooo everyoneeee!! for feedback kindly knock my lovebot {@magoboo_bot } yaaa.

blessed morning, maboo! 🥳💭

react untuk mmbriku semangat bikin ketelok

@mifoursy 100 babies with 100% cuteness????!! congrats, boo!! 💭

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