IndianState/ Union territory share border with China..
The entire China-Indian border (including the western LAC, the small undisputed section in the centre, and the McMahon Line in the east) is 4,056 km (2,520 mi) long and traverses
one Indian union territory,
And four Indian states
1) Ladakh, and
2) Uttarakhand,
3) Himachal Pradesh,
4) Sikkim,
5) Arunachal Pradesh.
IndianState/ Union territory share border with China..
The entire China-Indian border (including the western LAC, the small undisputed section in the centre, and the McMahon Line in the east) is 4,056 km (2,520 mi) long and traverses
one Indian union territory,
And four Indian states
1) Ladakh, and
2) Uttarakhand,
3) Himachal Pradesh,
4) Sikkim,
5) Arunachal Pradesh.