Matthew Fischer

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Catholic Australian, Economist, contributor to, and co-host of the backbench drivers podcast.

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Is Queensland the cowboy state?
  •   Yes
  •   No
  •   Don't Know/ Want to See Results
12 голосов

Репост из: T.R. Sartor Official
Antebellum Futurism

ABC News is pushing the narrative that abortion is a key issue in the Queensland election.

I can confirm to you that the abortion issue has swayed no voters

Mark my words. Shannon Fentiman, the mastermind of the scare campaign on abortion, will be the leader of Queensland Labor.

There is no moderation for the ALP, especially in the long run, they will only become more radical

Репост из: Keith Woods
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SBS consumers removing themselves from the gene pool can only be a benefit

Репост из: Deranged Posting
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Репост из: Whats_News!?
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Andrew Bolt says the Australian government is "replacing Australians with immigrants" live on air!

Our country will be unrecognisable in less than 5 years if this isn't stopped and reversed immediately.

The LNP under Peter Dutton, for all of its faults, has shown a pragmatism that has long been vacant from the party. Rather than appeals to flawed political and economic theories, Dutton has listened to the people.

This is a promising development for us.

Awaken homo-australis, take back your country

Remember this every time that a SkyNews pundit, think tank 'expert', Liberal Party politician, or right wing influencer tries to emotionally manipulate into supporting Israel.

Follow @matthew.fischer

Репост из: speckzo
Every woman who’s had an abortion needs to be retroactively charged with 1st degree murder.

A National Observer exclusive, no one else would have the connections or the character to publish Lyenko's work. A must read!!

Репост из: The National Observer
NEW ARTICLE: A never before seen autobiography of the alleged SS-collaborator turned Liberal Party operative, Lyenko Urbanchich!


Better be good. Last time my balls were this blue, I was courting John's sister

Репост из: The National Observer
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👉🏻 Follow @JohnLawson_TNO 👈🏻

Репост из: Blacklisted Research
More highly skilled Uber drivers in coming

Репост из: Renew Britannia
Reversing demographic change is not only preferable if you want our country to feel like home again, it is a political necessity.

As history shows, civilisations that become multi-cultural inevitably balkanise. The original civilisation ceases to exist and perpetual conflict ensues.

Nationalism is responsible government.

You stop a leak without turning the faucet off.

Same goes for immigration.

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