buka ch dlu yuuuu

Гео и язык канала: Индонезия, Индонезийский
Категория: Блоги

this channel is purely mine as the sole owner. if you don't like it, please leave this channel and for my mutuals I hope you أصبح a good mutual.
📞 : @eroseannebot
🗃 : @scluzie
🔏 : https://secreto.site/id/axi2n1

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Гео и язык канала
Индонезия, Индонезийский
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gue udahh kabarin bot/rc kalian yaa, maaf bangett kalau ada kelewat dan ada beberapa yg ga gue infoin karena ngga punya bot & ganti id ch. terimakasih semuanyaaaa🤍🤍

hai haii dengan zico disiniii, kalian apa kabar? gue harap baik baik ajaaa, sorry banget gue baru muncul lagi setelah rest dengan waktu yg bisa diblg cukup lama. sekarang gue milih buat hapus ch cz gue takutnya gabisa ngasih kalian feedback seperti dulu maaf bangett kalo terkesan curang tapi gue udah bener” gabisa ngurus tele, gue mohon maaf sebesar”nyaa kalau ada perkataan atau perbuatan gue yg buat kalian ngerasa marah/kesel/gasuka etc, terimakasihh banyakk udah mau mutualan samaaa gue, senengggg bisa punyaa moots kaya kaliannn, Insya Allah gue bakal chat kalian satu satu buat konfirmasii. semogaa kalian sukses, bahagiaa, sehatt & pokoknya doa terbaik dehh buat kaliann. SEEEE UUUUU🤩🤍

👍👍👍 + update

hai moots, @donediving ya. if u see ($.zcs) on ur board anon, sc or other that’s me. sorry if i missed something from ur channel, u can contact my bot. thank u and don’t forget the feedback.

Ꮺ. looking for new moots

Ꮺ. absen for muse
https://t.me/alterniamon/5294 (lee jeno)
https://t.me/Light1989/1026 (lee jeno)
https://t.me/louvelynaya/756 (lee jeno)




arvan ya?

ini juga siapa?

siapa ini?


ini siapa


To hell with revenge. and vent it with spree and drunkenness. I don't want to hear the comments of trash people who can only judge by looking at them. the tones of waves in your eyes are riddles, the secrets of enchanting silence, the magical light that leaves a mark on my heart sinks, the fragrance in it how precious every moment is to meet! and darkness melts before you and drives slowly crazy your face is more beautiful.

Than roses and waterfalls your hair is beautiful your physique and your light movements you are unnatural on earth! and her lips entice a souffle, and the tenderness of a swan's neck and the sight of sensual languor all arouse passion. you have the rarest of devotional gifts. let it shine like a star of your holy beauty what is more precious than a sapphire! and let the sinful world save! Give the universe a bright light and get good in return.

𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗞 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗘𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗡𝗚 or 𝗥𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗔𝗡𝗡𝗘 𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗞. was born on 11 February 1997 in Auckland, New Zealand, to South Korean immigrant parents. she has an older sister. In 2004, at the age of seven, Rosé and her family moved to melbourne, Australia. she attended kew east primary school, and completed secondary education at clacanterbury girls. secondary college in melbourne, studying law. began singing and learned to play guitar and piano as a child and performed in church choirs.

🅸n 2012, at age 15, 𝗥𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗔𝗡𝗡𝗘 attended an audition in sydney, Australia for South Korean record label YG Entertainment at her father's suggestion, ranking first among 700 participants. she enjoyed the label's music greatly, citing they had all the "#cool" groups. within two months, Rosé dropped out of school, signed with the label as a trainee, and moved to Seoul, South Korea. she initially presumed her father's idea was a joke due to the distance and difficulty of becoming a singer overseas.

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