
Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
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"there is no spot that makes blossoming in a cheerful inclination, just that chance will be unthinkable."
question, mutual: @meridiensbot
ordering @aenji

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Ba keren selamat 600 @artgistara

Malem malem nyari mutual dulu gaksih,,,,,mutual minta tolong buat forward ini yaa. Feedbacknya bisa hubungi @meridiensrobot, thank youu.

[Really appreciate those who have forwarded this message to their channels]

Hello! thank you for reading this message, because @meridiens is looking for a mutual that can interact, please contact @MeridiensRobot if you want to mutually.

Note: all channel types are allowed, but must use the main account.

Kalau ada pesan yang mau di forward bisa hubungi @meridiensrobot langsung yaa.

Mutual, minta tolong forward pesan ini ke channel kalian ya, buat feedback, boleh hubungin @meridiensrobot yaa. Thank you

(ABOIL EPISODES: 1998) / "the most sultry rundown with sweet chronicle that don't seat tools first. "

ㅤㅤㅤㅤ│fieldwork prototype
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ│is perfectly given, and
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ│wholly built: guidelines.

there have been a few igneous summonses sorted this season that are prescribed to take a decent glance, and be scrupulous. triumphs sprout on the impeded side of the sun, peeking earthier. the roads are igneous, the intensity is going to be battled against the longing of outrage, smiled sweetly due to the fact that you were prejudiced toward the git-go. prior to using the slot exhaust, send your mails through @Aenji. i'll be forever in your debt!

Yang pesannya mau di forward bleh hubungin @meridiensrobot sekarang yaak.

Meridiens, kalau ada yang mau di forward pesannya, boleh hubungin @Meridiensrobot dulu yaa.

#stardust mine all mine | idr 6.000

#lessons wishing stars | idr 8.000

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