Staking Announcements Recap
*V1 staking is closed
⁃ If you’re currently staking, you don’t have to do anything
⁃ You will receive the agreed % and terms
⁃ Withdraws have been paused until most likely tomorrow.
⁃ Vestings are being removed
⁃ One claim trigger will be activated to expedite the claims from vesting (10 transactions to 1 claim-all)
⁃ Gas fees will remain the same, but transactions reduced from 10 claims to 1.
*V2 staking rollout 2/22 night time EST
⁃ stakingpage will have 2 drop down options (v1 & v2)
⁃ Gas fees optimized
⁃ No vestings for rewards
⁃ 3 staking pools at this introductory time: 90,180 & 365 days
⁃ The APRs are now dynamic and will auto adjust based on pool saturation, so the earlier you stake, the higher the reward %
⁃ Pool ceilings: 90 days = 10%, 180 days = 20%, 365 days = 30% (the more stakers in the pool, the lower the rewards
*Compound feature added
⁃ allows you to restake accrued but unclaimed rewards up until the term matures. (If you staked XXXX $MTRX for 90 days, after day 1, at any time, you can compound the rewards be restating the rewards for the duration of the original 90 day staking term). (Limit 1 restake per 24hrs)
*Public Testnet for Metarix Chain open for testing
⁃ you can go to the website or link: (mobile browser is best for connectivity if using mobile device)