We are here just for a few news:
1) We've made many things to improve experience for our Iranian users. Hope, it helped.
And now, main Iranian proxy address is
tg://proxy?server=proxy.digitalresistance.dog&port=443&secret=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427eIt's rotating in 5-10 minutes after ban in Iran, and should work the most time.
2) Today, we made the same thing for our Russian users due to huge activity of RKN.
But, it's much more harder for us to rotate the same address for 2 countries at the same time.
So, dear Russian users, please spread a new proxy address for your friends:
tg://proxy?server=russia.proxy.digitalresistance.dog&port=443&secret=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427eIt's been especially made for Russia, and should work much more stable.
3) And the one last thing:
Today we reached 1 million daily active users on our proxies. It's amazing to know that we help so many users to stay online. Thanks for staying with us.