[Urgent] Beware of Scams Impersonating MiL.k Members
The MiL.k Team recently received a report of individuals impersonating MiL.k members, attempting to contact our users and holders to request cash deposits, etc., using fake business cards and websites.
The MiL.k team NEVER contacts users or holders individually through in-person meetings, Telegram, or any social media platforms under any circumstances. Especially, we NEVER request the deposit of cash or other cryptocurrencies under any pretext, including urging the purchase of coins.
If you have experienced or identified cases of attempting to contact in this manner while impersonating MiL.k members, please report and send details to the MiL.k team at info@milkpaly.com. Kindly include related materials such as photos or screenshots. We appreciate your cooperation.
MiL.k Team
The MiL.k Team recently received a report of individuals impersonating MiL.k members, attempting to contact our users and holders to request cash deposits, etc., using fake business cards and websites.
The MiL.k team NEVER contacts users or holders individually through in-person meetings, Telegram, or any social media platforms under any circumstances. Especially, we NEVER request the deposit of cash or other cryptocurrencies under any pretext, including urging the purchase of coins.
If you have experienced or identified cases of attempting to contact in this manner while impersonating MiL.k members, please report and send details to the MiL.k team at info@milkpaly.com. Kindly include related materials such as photos or screenshots. We appreciate your cooperation.
MiL.k Team