Due to @telegram’s privacy policy. I declare that i'm not the real Lee Heeseung. This Channel & account was pure made for Roleplayer things. All media, content, and News that i posted was pure taken from Social Media.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ CW // TWs
This channel might contains Harshwords, LGBT+, NSFW, etc. I sometimes forget to put CW or TWs. So if you're uncomfort with that things, you may leave. Don't forget to remove my account from your channel and chat me before you do it. Thanks every1.
Due to @telegram’s privacy policy. I declare that i'm not the real Lee Heeseung. This Channel & account was pure made for Roleplayer things. All media, content, and News that i posted was pure taken from Social Media.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ CW // TWs
This channel might contains Harshwords, LGBT+, NSFW, etc. I sometimes forget to put CW or TWs. So if you're uncomfort with that things, you may leave. Don't forget to remove my account from your channel and chat me before you do it. Thanks every1.