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Broke is normal. If you want a different life, you have to do things differently.

Normal in America is living paycheck to paycheck. Normal is car payments, credit card debt, and no savings. Normal is stressing about money every single day.

But guess what? You don’t have to be normal.

When you decide to stop borrowing money, start living on a budget, and actually take control of your income, people will call you weird. They’ll say you’re crazy for paying off your debt or for driving a paid-for car instead of financing a new one. But later, when you have financial peace and they’re still struggling, they’ll be asking how you did it.

Don’t settle for normal. Choose a better way.


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😹@JamesJoes now⚠️

Criticism is easier to take when you realize that the only people who aren’t criticized are those who don’t take risks.


Репост из: Books Reviewer 🤵🏻‍♀️📚
Short summary video of the book below 👇 must watch 📖✍️👇

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Almost nobody likes you for who you are.
People like you for the value you provide.

Read again slowly.

@keys_4_success 🚫

🗣 Overthinking

A state when a person thinks and ponders too much. About the past, about problems, about the future. Excessive thinking about goals also applies here. Because of this, the present is forgotten.

It's the same as working 24/7. And if with excessive physical exertion, physical exhaustion occurs and rest is required, then with excessive thinking - mental rest is needed

I think it's important to raise this issue because for some reason very little is said about it, but at the same time, it's very important. So most likely I will raise this issue more than once.

I will be glad to receive your priceless reactions, friends. 🔥

The 8 Levels of Wealth:

1️⃣ Struggling – Paycheck to paycheck.
2️⃣ Aware – Tracking your money.
3️⃣ Breaking Free – Paying off debt.
4️⃣ Secured – Emergency fund = no stress.
5️⃣ Growing – Investing consistently.
6️⃣ Expanding – Multiple income streams.
7️⃣ Free – Work becomes optional.

@keys_4_success 🕊

It’s not easy—but neither is staying broke.

Choose your hard.

Delete the roster.

Fix ur sleep.

Go ghost, hit the gym.

Fix ur circle.

Speak less.

Accept the past.

Put ur best foot forward.

Become a better version of urself.

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🔗 Quote of the day

Doubt kills dreams more than failure

Throw in some reactions, friends. 🔥


This is the year where everyone who watched you losing will watch you win in life.


Focus on what truly matters. your energy should be spent on building your future your finances and career, not worrying about who’s ignoring you. Let your growth speak louder than distractions.


Репост из: Books Reviewer 🤵🏻‍♀️📚
Quotes of the day. You must read to become 1% 📈📚

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⚠️I'm looking for 5 people who want to take action and become the best versions of themselves within the next 90 days.

If this is you, then...

If someone spends their hard earned money on you, it means they care for you.
They have goals and yet they probably decided to put your needs first.


Look at the mirror

Are you :

- Well-dressed
- In good shape
- Sharp haircut
- Clean teeth
- Glowing skin

Your appearance is a reflection of who you are.

Fix yourself and stop looking scruffy, you'll go far in life.


Focus on the 4 G's





Everything else? Distractions.

Join us


Репост из: Business Mindset
I just spent the last 3 days reading N0 MORE Mr. NICE GUY and man, this book hit me HARD.

If you've ever felt like being a "nice guy" isn’t getting you anywhere, you NEED to read this.

Here are the biggest lessons I learned...

Brutal thread:in comment

Репост из: Books Reviewer 🤵🏻‍♀️📚
Get the best books delivered to your screen—subscribe now!" 📚📲

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Listen 🔈

I promise if you;

- Go quiet for 6 months
- Laser focus on 1 BIG goal
- Self-educate, 4 hrs a day
- Apply everything you learn

Every month, take a break and reflect.

You'll go far in life.


Показано 20 последних публикаций.