Репост из: TWICE's Boss Baby
I wanna say happy anniversary to the best TWICE portrayers i've ever known so far my beloved best Jeongyeon portrayers my girlfriend, Cony. my beloveds Teudoongie; Naomi unnie, Ophelia, Mary, Lensa and Melody and also to all of my TWICE friends here; Azie, Keci, Rosalie, Sharla, Ellery, Kaneyshara unnie, Demashtela unnie, Aley, Azura, Dejoe, Marie, Ayudisha, Blue and Alana. Once again, thank you for portraying TWICE so well and i'm so proud of you all, thank you for loving our TWICE as much as you love yourselves. Please continue supporting our girls forever!🧡
with all love,
Fayola Britney.
with all love,
Fayola Britney.