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📝 Happy 2nd Mensiversary, Mas! Here's to facing every challenge hand in hand, with love and laughter.

Lovisa @hwngsayin: happy mensive buat kaliann berduaa! longlast yaa, semoga bahagia selalu menyertai kaliann!

Stfu.: y’all cute. happy mensiversary guys, may you both are always happy and blessed by god

Dzaquellē S. @iBelantara: Happy mensive. Longlasting ya! Bahagia selalu. Cheers to another month that will full with a lot of happiness.

Arumi; @FABRIKASII.: Selamat hari jadi untuk kalian berdua, semoga semakin romantis dan terjalinnya komunikasi yang baik.

zi @gistaeris: wah happy mensive buat kalian berdua, semoga langgeng terus yaa, bahagia selalu

ᝰ🧶⊹.❄️ @NonaMoedja Suli ꕀ: Happy mensive, seperti harapan kalian, semoga bisa menghadapi apapun sambil bergandengan!!

@semaniys ini MANiS ! ᓚ₍ ^. .^₎: gemes banget gemes banget, happy mensiversary both of u! longlast yaa >w< )/

@NCKISSER: aigo.. happy mensive kedua nya, semoga hubungan nya sehat dan longlast yaa.

@scoupsse, Gideon: Happy mensive adek dan partner, semoga bahagia selalu, long last dan semakin bucin.

@Cockiber Sersan: happy menziv happy asmara dan happy roteesyen buat sodara sodara. semoga dikasih hubungan yg sehat

👥 10 people have voted so far.
📖 Personal Board

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Subject: Celebrating Our Second Mensiversary: Together Through Thick and Thin

My Dearest Mas Hengky,

As we celebrate our second mensiversary today, my heart swells with gratitude for the journey we've shared together thus far. Through every twist and turn, every joy and challenge, you have been my unwavering rock and my source of boundless happiness.

On this special day, I want to express my deepest appreciation for your presence in my life. Your love, support, and understanding have been the pillars that have held us steady through both smooth sailing and stormy seas. Together, we have faced obstacles head-on, knowing that with each other by our side, we can conquer anything that comes our way.

I cherish the moments we've shared, the laughter we've echoed, and the memories we've created. Each day with you is a precious gift, and I am grateful for the opportunity to continue building our future together.

As we embark on another year of togetherness, I pledge to stand by your side through thick and thin, to support you, to uplift you, and to love you with every fiber of my being. Together, let us face the challenges that lie ahead, knowing that our bond is unbreakable and our love is infinite.

Happy Second Mensiversary, my dear mas Eky. Here's to many more years of laughter, love, and shared adventures.

With all my heart,

Kaisar Sadewa.

Saya sudah menyelam dan saya tidak mempunyai saluran yang belum dibaca. Saya juga sudah mengisi papan, kolom komentar, jajak pendapat, dan sejenisnya. Saya menggunakan #Kai. Sebagai penanda. Jika ada yang terlewat, silahkan tegur saya @cJoshuaHongg. Untuk pesan teruskan, saya menaruh di @FileDewa. Terima kasih.

Pembaruan papan mutualan : https://t.me/FileDewa/96

📝 Pesan rahasia untuk @cJoshuaHongg.

👤 dont be
scared to be alone, remember you have yourself

👤 Kaaai, lu keren amat dah. Be happy ya

👤 Helloo theree, dont ever be discouraged and keep on moving forward! No matter what happens, dont give upp

👤 Kece bgt dahhhh

👤 lu keren bener dah, trus ramah lagi makin mantap

👤 kakk semoga kamu di kelilingi banyaak kebahagiaan ya!

👤 Kamu terlihat familiar, sepertinya kita pernah bertemu sebelumnya?

👤 lo terlalu keren, mundur dikit lah

👤 keinget seseorang kalo ngeliat lo

👤 U’ve nice vibe, keep spreading your positive energy ya

👤 Lelah pun menelusuri kehidupan, jangan menyerah. Anggap saja itu kesempatan mu untuk beristirahat sejenak

👤 Keep being the best version of yourself.

👤 even when you've lost all hope, please don't give up

👤 bahagia selalu yaaa

👤 tetap semangat dan full senyum dihari melelahkan ini yea

👤 Semoga diberikan hari” yang terbaik

👤 disaat Tuhan menggambarkan keindahan, disitulah kamu tercipta.

👤 bang kaisar romawi, semoga bulan mei lu bisa berjalan dengan baik sampe tuntas dan seterusnya ye

👤 #jus bahagia terus, jangan lupa senyum. dan stay healthy

👥 19 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

Saya sudah menyelam dan saya tidak mempunyai saluran yang belum dibaca. Saya juga sudah mengisi papan, kolom komentar, jajak pendapat, dan sejenisnya. Saya menggunakan #Kai. Sebagai penanda. Jika ada yang terlewat, silahkan tegur saya @cJoshuaHongg. Untuk pesan teruskan, saya menaruh di @FileDewa. Terima kasih.

In a dramatic twist of fate, a man finds himself at the center of a high-stakes challenge proposed by his long-standing adversary: a daring car race, a test of skill, nerve, and determination. Undaunted by the daunting task ahead, the man accepts the challenge, his resolve unwavering as he prepares to face his opponent head-on.

As the race unfolds, adrenaline courses through his veins, his hands steady on the wheel as he navigates each twist and turn with precision and finesse. With every mile conquered, victory seems within reach, a tangible goal that propels him forward with unwavering determination.

In a breathtaking display of prowess, the man crosses the finish line, the roar of the crowd echoing in his ears as he basks in the glory of his triumph. Yet, as he turns to face his defeated adversary, he is met not with acknowledgment or acceptance, but with bitter defiance.

Refusing to concede defeat, his enemy attempts to dispute the outcome, clinging to the hope of overturning the inevitable. However, undeterred by the futile protests of his vanquished foe, the man simply utters a single word, laden with the weight of undeniable truth: "loser."

With a quiet confidence born of victory, he walks away, leaving his defeated adversary to wrestle with the bitter sting of defeat. For in the end, it is not merely the race that he has won, but the unshakable knowledge of his own worth and capability, a triumph that no amount of denial can diminish.

📝 In a daring car race, the man outshone his challenger, yet when the victory was clear, his opponent's refusal to accept defeat was met with a simple, triumphant declaration: 'Loser.'

t.me/lux_bxddies ; Eliza: OMAGAA! you look so handsome and attractive. you're very eyecatching with a cool vibe

ㅤ: I beg u to fuck me kai (J'Dante suruh)

@bhoId, Gideon: Damn, so hella cool. Vibes nya sangat ‘baby hold on baby hold on’ jangan lupa Rock With You nya sih

Larasa Nawa S.: Keren sekali! Nampak luar biasa dengan pesonamu, mengagumkan.

@Cockiber Sersan: anjay, lelaki p balap bener ini vibesnya orang handal profesional sonal sonal. tampangnya bisa buat menarik minat janda

Gifara Utami, @Woedok.: This racer is really cool. I saw him and it was really impressive. And also, he played very well. That was soooo good.

Faite's Papa. #MAESTRO: With lightning reflexes and a heart full of adrenaline, this cool racer dominates the track with precision and style!

ᝰ🧶⊹.❄️ @NonaMoedja Suli ꕀ: Kamu puas dengan arena kali ini? Aku rasa ini bukan apa apa untuk mu, sudah sewajarnya kamu mendapatkan kemenangan

Helga. @vguittarists: lu kesannya berwibawa bener, kak, keren. vibesnya adem adem gitulah

Magnus Bjarne: #MAGN yoo bro you look so cool like jokowi, also seem calm and polite.

👥 10 people of 10 have voted so far.
📖 Personal Board

Saya sudah menyelam dan saya tidak mempunyai saluran yang belum dibaca. Saya juga sudah mengisi papan, kolom komentar, jajak pendapat, dan sejenisnya. Saya menggunakan #Kai. Sebagai penanda. Jika ada yang terlewat, silahkan tegur saya @cJoshuaHongg. Untuk pesan teruskan, saya menaruh di @FileDewa. Terima kasih.

Saya sudah menyelam dan saya tidak mempunyai saluran yang belum dibaca. Saya juga sudah mengisi papan, kolom komentar, jajak pendapat, dan sejenisnya. Saya menggunakan #Kai. Sebagai penanda. Jika ada yang terlewat, silahkan tegur saya @cJoshuaHongg. Untuk pesan teruskan, saya menaruh di @FileDewa. Terima kasih.

Tolong bantu saya menyebarkan papan mutual.

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