Фильтр публикаций

Anatolian Farmer Vs Brythonic

(Same age)

Репост из: Pole Connection
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Remember "not one illegal muslim" man?

Narcissists tweeting Abrahamism

Репост из: Pole Connection
Protestors outside the Homeland congress

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UFC fighter Renato Moicano knocks out the French fighter in Paris and celebrates with a typical rant:

"fuck Macron, fuck all globalists, fuck all these motherfucking globalists... understand democracy is a fallacy"

Репост из: Mark Collett
LIVESTREAM: Political Prisoner Update - with Laura Towler
7pm UK time (2pm EST)
Join Laura Towler and I as we give an update on Patriotic Alternative’s Political Prisoner Support Campaign, read a letter from Sven Longshanks, report on our recent protest outside HMP Manchester and discuss our new goals for community building and indigenous advocacy.
ODYSEE: @MarkCollett:6/Political-Prisoner-Update:e' rel='nofollow'>https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/Political-Prisoner-Update:e
DLIVE: https://dlive.tv/MarkCollett
ENTROPY: https://entropystream.live/app/markcollett

The honourable and erudite Aarvoll delivers an essential message pleading for your support and participation.


Репост из: The Western Chauvinist
"You think you're going to win by meeting up with guys to box in the park?"

No, I think we're going to win by organizing.  You can't organize seriously with a bunch of risk averse, conflict avoidant podcast fans.  If someone will meet in the park to train with you, they're infinitely more committed to the cause than someone who sends superchats to their preferred online hot taker.

If your entire connection to the cause can be cut off by your phone running out of battery, you're not doing anything.


The same old tired lies are being rolled out in Eastern Europe now, as justification for The Great Replacement.

Watching Poland explains:


The female is immunized against all dangers: One may call her a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, thot, it all runs off her like water off a raincoat. But call her a midwit and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: "What about EQ?!"

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American suits signing the death warrant of European peasants.

Story of the last century and change.

Remember, behind every act of "health and safety" in a liberal democracy, is a gaggle of women and their enablers, the low T economical male.

The Karen is a political neurotic mother.

Covid? Lock everyone indoors for a year.

Climate? Ban steak and milk

Speed limits? 20mph in Wales

Pub? Shut

Smoking? Complete ban

Public spending? Enormous

Taxes? More

Give women the vote and your society looks like a typical suburban Anglo household with a moaning neurotic woman at the helm.

When establishment journalists speak of "genuine concerns", they refer to, in passing, hundreds of thousands of White women and girls being raped by third world savages, before affirming multicultural values.

Репост из: Laura Towler
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James Costello did nothing wrong, you little nerd

Репост из: Pole Connection
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Israeli jews and American jews, you will no longer manage nations of the world.

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