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#joke #letsgotoNarxoz

Here is what you can do if you receive a rejection letter from your ED school. Email them rejecting their rejection letter and comming to the campus in the next year.

PS: I hope that you will not need this guide and will go to the place where you want to go.

724 0 3 17 25


Today, I participated in the Informatics Olympiad. I solved three out of five questions and ranked 12th in Tashkent. Nevertheless, I can proudly say that I was the best at one thing: the number of wrong submissions for Problem A. Again and again, I submitted 3 lines of code that I had written in the first two minutes of the contest, occasionally making small changes. Unable to solve the easiest problem, I felt devastated. Finally, I did solve it after 11 submissions🤓, along with solving two other problems.

Here are lesson learned from today's olympiad:

1) Read the question first, and then solve.
2) Read your code before submiting.
3) Resubmitting the same code will not magically change the result. 🙂
4) Well, prepare for the olympiad.

764 0 3 30 16

Репост из: 兀 ildizlari
📣 Matematika bo‘yicha iqtidorli 8-11-sinf o‘quvchilarini izlaymiz🔍!

Pi Ildizlari - yoshlarni matematika san’atiga qiziqtirish, ularning muammoni hal qilish qobiliyatini jamoaviy ruhda, qiziqarli musobaqalar va tadbirlar orqali rivojlantirishga qaratilgan tashkilotdir. Shu kungacha biz 5 ta Pi Arena jamoaviy musobaqalarini tashkil etib, 300 dan ortiq matematika ishqibozlarini jalb qildik.

Pi Ildizlari tashkiliy jamoasiga matematika fanidan bilimdon 8-11-sinf o‘quvchilarini👩‍🎓 qidirmoqdamiz!

🏆 Qiziqarli matematika turnirlarida ishtirok eting
🧩 Ilhomlantiruvchi nutq so‘zlovchilar bilan uchrashuvlarda qatnashing
💻 Matematikaga bo‘lgan muhabbatingizni chuqurlashtirish uchun onlayn sessiyalarga qo‘shiling

Bu harakatning bir qismiga aylaning va yangi matematika olamiga yo‘l oching🚀! Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish uchun havola: [link]

➕Matematika dunyosini🌎 birgalikda o‘zgartiramiz!


Репост из: Zamon AI
Birinchi nashr.pdf
📢 Yangilik! O‘zbek tilida birinchi sun’iy intellekt jurnali!

Hurmatli ilm-fan ixlosmandlari va texnologiya ishqibozlari, bizning Zamon AI loyihamiz doirasida, O‘zbek tilida ilk bor sun’iy intellekt mavzusiga bag‘ishlangan jurnalni taqdim etayotganimizdan mamnunmiz! 🎉

Mazkur jurnal orqali sun’iy intellekt, machine learning, big data va texnologiya olamidagi so‘nggi yangiliklar bilan tanishishingiz mumkin. Maqsadimiz — sun’iy intellektni tushunarli va qiziqarli tarzda O‘zbekiston xalqi uchun yaqinlashtirish!

🚀 O‘zbekistonda sun’iy intellekt rivojlanishiga o‘z hissangizni qo‘shing va Zamon AI bilan yangiliklardan xabardor bo‘ling!

👉 O‘qing, o‘rganing va texnologiya olamida o‘zingizni sinab ko‘ring!

my writing is getting better with every minute

Everyday at home:

Mom: Will you study at Oxford?
Me: no, mom.
Mom: Then, will you study at Harvard?
Me: no, I want to apply to X university because ... (mentioning one of the best universites in the world)
Mom: I have never heard of such university, why don't you just stay in Uzbekistan and study at West (WIUT)?

PS: if I don't study abroad, that is because I am a good son who listens to his mother and not because I couldn't get in anywhere.

We are looking for a copywriter for the Zamon AI project who is proficient in Uzbek!

Our Zamon AI project is seeking a talented copywriter who can write clear, engaging, and impactful content in the Uzbek language. If you have experience creating compelling copy and are interested in working on innovative technology and AI-related projects, this could be a great opportunity for you!


Proficiency in the Uzbek language
Experience in copywriting
Interest in working on cutting-edge projects

If this sounds like a fit for you, apply through this form!

For questions, reach out to: @nmukhitdinov, @nematovabrorbek

Photos from a weekend trip to the beautiful and green city of Almaty, Kazakhstan 🇰🇿.




10 km in 60 minutes (no stop)

Why did I run after 4 paras at Lyceum when I had so much else to do? Why did I run 10 km when I could just walk to get some energy instead of suffering for 60 minutes?

Top three reasons:
1. Running is healthy.
2. I can brag about it later (already doing).
But the most important one:
3. I realized that I have a marathon in 5 days.

Some advice that I got that helps me:
1. Run at a pace that is comfortable for you and try to keep this pace on whole distance.
2. Running twice a week is the optimal way to progress as you have just enough time to recover (if you are a beginner, which I am)
3. When you run, think about how beautiful the universe is, how birds sing, and how people pass by but never think about how hard it is (your physical body can withstand much more than your mental one).
4. You can do it, even if you think you can’t. Also, It is never late as I see 60-year-olds running in the morning around the neighborhood.

PS: I lost internet connection several times and my phone died at the end so the picture is showing imprecise data (it was more than 10.5 km in 60 minutes).

983 0 0 11 10

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