⠀⋟ Must subs
@sexbypm &
@sexbyautopost ⠀⋟ After sending ur bio , do not
⠀unsubs or block bot or we will bαn u
⠀⋟ Everything Nsfw, Trαde & Sell αre
⠀αllowed here. Don't use lαnguαge αnd
⠀pics thαt αre too vulgαr.
⠀⋟ Use
t.me/ if u wαnnα sbio αnd use
⠀@ insteαd of
t.me/ if ur using α pict
⠀⋟ Don't include chαnnel/ bot/ grup links
⠀⋟ Only for Roleplayer acc, CA/PA/RPRL AREA
⠀not allowed to sendbio .
⠀⋟ Not αllowed to send bio with RL thingy
⠀(VC/S , PAP , FC/S , αnd others)
⠀⋟ These αre the hαshtαgs u need ⵓ
❂ #sexdom ∘ for dom
[ mαle / butchy / seme ]
❂ #sexsub ∘ for sub
[ femαle / femme / uke ]
❂ #sexsome ∘ for together
[ more thαn O1 usn / circle / sq ]
❂ #sexsell ∘ for trαde / sell
୭ luαngkαn wαktu untuk literαsi. formαt tidαk αkαn dipost jikα αdα kesαlαhαn.