
Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
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Гео и язык канала
не указан, не указан
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Фильтр публикаций

Soree semuanyaa, ayo dong taruh angka untuk usn cantik kaya gini

Cantik banget loh usnnya, gak rata tapi kebaca kan tambah huruf h

Apa gak mau jadi first offer??

Siang semua

Last Offer : 00K by @

This is what you must read first before drop your offer.

1. please join the channel first so that you get the next information.
2. Dont delete / edit after you drop your number.
3. Only for CA/BA/PA/FA and if your account is roleplayer account, please use bracket ( [] )
4. USE MAIN ACCOUNT!! Make sure that your account is main account & completing all the conditions (Ava, Usn, Bio etc)
5. Join at least 2 base dagang
6. Suspicious accounts will be banned.
7. ONLY FOR SERUOUS BUYER!! Prepare your budget before offering.
8. The offer will be canceled if it doesn't touch the target.

Note : Be Responsible please. Jangan mainin rejeki orang yaa and goodluck!

Oh My Gosh, Don't you know that @nhamtan is start offering today? ⊙﹏⊙ that's prettiest username ever i see. How about come in and join the offers? Only for you, we presenting this username based on namtan tipnaree will start at 3 november, 19.00 And ends right at 6 november, 19.00‼️


⌑ Based On Namtan tipnaree from GMMTV
⌑ tambah huruf h diantara n dan a
⌑ Start Price : IDR 10.000 With KB 2.000
⌑ Start offer : 3 november 19.00
⌑ End Offer : 6 november 19.00
⌑ Payment : dana, ovo, shopeepay, qris
⌑ Only for serious buyer, No HNR!
⌑ Drop your best offer on @nhamtan comment section, or here! https://t.me/joinchat/8CPUDe5CImYxODZl
⌑ Contact person : @rikinishimurae

@rikinishimurae property

Namtan tipnaree

Показано 8 последних публикаций.


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