ethereal train ♡

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ㅤㅤ 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐳𝐥𝐞-𝐝𝐚𝐳𝐳𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥, especially 𝖄𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖒 RP-ers, Shakia, Rafacalista, Yemima, Yioomi, Shavena, Keinan, Jaraina, Hanin, Aine, Katarina, Annesa, Yerdishea, Dayesh, Shainna, Linayune, Yaeshya, Hanaa, Dischaniera, Ailaa, Mecha, Kyra, Laemorie, Yohane, Lakei, Ayava, Izelle, Candelaria, Ayana, Moezza, Kavra, Eisha, Sylviane, Yechi, Akila, Nala, Schérie, Ayava, Yerista, Sacila, Nayla, Kyriena, Kahiyang, Meissa, Latasha, Adeeva, Chiyesa, Jeyca, Renelle, Kiyana, Avrixiese, Jevara, Averie, Binta, Malea, Yomi, Ala, Aruna, Katy, Tipay, Asedaf, Ayana, Elova, Keyvara, Rayline, Azeline, Annora, Arsyana, Almira, Julie, Katie, Kinan, Meriella, Naomi, Rami, Relana, Anais, Yurika, Alnilam, Talitha, Nafa, Nadine, Avadièra, Joevanya, Berry, Mishane, Ralgin, Aubrey, Malini, Odie, Nalabista, Sabbie, Jia, Gave, Asila, Sandrina, Jean. 𝐄njoy your day girls! ♡

Репост из: De 𝐕illage.
Happy birthday! to Kim Yerim from Red Velvet and to all rp - ers that using her face especially, Ghea, Laura Stacy, Kyra, Akiva, Cainelyn , Shainna, Jeanya, Talitha, Naela, Hanin, Yioomi, Jean, Azeline, Shavena, Jeca, Winkel, Shabiel, Chevannya, Elmira, Janelle, Leamorie, Odie, Zellaya, Yola. Thanks for using Kim Yerim!

Репост из: 𝐄𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥
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Selamat ulang tahun untuk Kim Yerim alias Yeri Red Velvet, dan juga seluruh Yeri rp-ers!

Terutama untuk Shanumara, Yemima, Jeanya, Naela, Athena, Shakia, Strawberry, Nafa, Naraa, Yoricho, Gumii, Elova, Asaphine, Cainelyn, Maurra, Elora, Bevalyn, Mecha, Ricul, Kuinsy, Jevara, Lerayussa, Shavena, Radin, Rembulan, Aubrey, Shabiel, Vaileen, Gendhari, Gave, Elora, Vaileen, Odie.

Semoga kalian selalu diberi kesehatan, dan juga jangan lupa untuk menggunakan Yeri dengan baik ya? Again, Happy Birthday!

Hanum Radinka Gautami.

Репост из: j
Happy Birthday to Kim Yerim irl and all Yeri Rp-ers esp Shaqie, Pejoy, Alda, Odie, Jeanya, Yumime, Nafa, Yericha, and Vayyara.I hope you can use your muse as well, be happy y'all. Enjoy your day.


Репост из: Reflections
Happiest Birthday to Kim Yerim and all of her RP-ers, especially Odie, Yemima, Linayune, Nafa, Yumime, Cainelyn, Kyriena, Kissa and Shabie. Enjoy your birthday!

Репост из: ㅤ૮ ˖ 𝓕𝙧𝙖𝙨𝙭𝙪𝙚𝙣𖢷˖
Hαppy Birthdαy to our Kim Yerim αnd αll Kim Yerim rp-ers. I wish you αlwαys hαppy αnd stαy heαlthy. Mαy your life is αlwαys surrounded by good && positive people αnd αlso hopefully your life is αlwαys filled with hαppy smiles.

Especially for the best Yerim rp – ers ⨾
Nαlαbithα, Yαeshyα, Cynαrα, Hαnin, Griselldα, Livyα, Jαbintα, Nαyα, Odie, Kαtαrinα, Nekomi, Kαnαyα, Kαlunα, Nαfα, Nαomi, Ayαvα, Anessα, Yechi, Alishα, Cαlivα, Rαveen, Shαkiα, Sαndrinα, Rαlgin, Nαelα, Aubrey, Eleαnor.

I hope you cαn using Yerim αs fαke fαce very well in this fαkeworld. Once αgαin hαppy birthdαy !

ᘏ⑅ᘏ with love, 𝐉epαyα.

Репост из: important.
On March 5, 1999, a beautiful woman named Kim Yerim was born. She's beautiful and one a kind that we cherish the moments yo make silly jokes and smile so big.

Happy Birthday Kim Yerim, and all Kim Yerim Rpers!. You're amazing and I hope you enjoy each moment of the day. Have fun and live on. Your personality is so beautiful and You're really cute and adorable ! You're really pretty !

espesially: Hana, Kanaya, Athena, Mave, Kaluna, Martha, Kanaya, Elova, Yaeshya, Odie, Eleanor, Kyriena, Bevalyn, Nalabitha, Chevannya, Kylie, Sabbie, Joleya, Yeritjana, Yudistia, Jeovanya, Kayesha, Chesa, Alucha, Nadinesha

You are very beautiful. I hope that getting older can make someone better. and hopefully you can still play Kim Yerim well, of course and always maintain the good name of Kim Yerim and Redvelvet. Always be happy, don't ever lose the smile on your beautiful face

with love, Grisellda 🤍🤍

Репост из: wanodya
Happy birthday to Kim Yerim and all Kim Yerim rp-ers. On this special day, hope you're blessed with love, luck, and joy. Esp ; Me, Ralgin, Millie, Odie, Nadine, Kanaya, Nalabitha, Griselle Rafachalista, Obey, Hanin, Jeovanya, Jabinta, Moezza, Averie, Binta, Malea, Yomi, Ala, Aruna, Katy, Tipay, Asedaf, Ayana, Keyvara, Rayline

Репост из: 行進
happy birthday to Kim Yerim aka Yeri from RedVelvet! and also to all her roleplayers, especially for teh shavena, teh namira, elova, yaesha, jabinta, shakia, dischaniera, jiveyasha, jeovanya, naya, katarina, rafachalista, kanaya, nekomi, teh yemima, and odie.

i wish you all the love and happiness in the world. once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! 😍💗

Репост из: Little Squirtle.
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Happy 𝟐𝟐nd B'day Little Squirtle!
thankyou for your hardwork,
and I wish you to always happy
&& stay healthy!♡%

And also,
Happiest Birthday to all the
sweetest soul princesses who
were used 김예림 as their muse,
especially ; Shakia, Strawberry,
Janelle, Cici, Nafa, Grisellda,
Nalabitha , Annesa, Renaya, Ayara,
Kalana, Odie, Agatha, Deraymiese,
Yoricho , Garinja & Yesi.

Репост из: hana jayashree
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Today is the day when a talented and beautiful woman is born into this world. 𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐘𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐦, the social butterfly that everyone adore.

To the dearest Kim Yeri, happy birthday to you! I hope that you will always be happy and I’m hoping you nothing but the best on every step of your life.

Once again, happy birthday to Kim Yerim and all Kim Yeri roleplayers especially Me, Yerdishea, Dayesh, Shainna, Linayune, Yaeshya, Dischaniera, Ailaa, Mecha, Kyra, Laemorie, Yohane, Lakei, Ayava, Izelle, Candelaria, Ayana, Moezza, Kavra, Eisha, Sylviane, Millie, Ralgin, Jenelle, Nafa, Winkel, Cynara, Joleya, Marissa, Radhiva, Keyvara, Deyramiese, Griselle, Odie, and Strawberry. Let’s have the best day, keep on loving our muse, and potray our muse better! 🤍

With full of love, Hana.

Репост из: ℳanuei
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Happy birthday especially for my face claim, Yeri, as well as for all Yeri rp-ers and also for all of u, esp : Grisellda, Hanin, Shabie, Livya, Oldie, Ralgin, Kanaya, Sandrina, Yaeshya

I hope we can continue to be happy & use Yeri's face well without tarnishing her name. And also keep our yeri cheering on for what all she does. Spirit to achieve new things this year and keep praying that the virus will end quickly. Hopefully what Yeri and we dream of will be achieved quickly, success for me, Yeri, and all Yeri roleplayers !! Thankyou

Elᥱanore 𝐋a Daisey

Репост из: 𝓟leasant ✧
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Knock-knock! You got a beautiful birthday present from me! March, 5 1999 our lovely, Kim Ye-Rim is born in South Korea. She’s literally a Heather in real life. She’s cute, diligent, friendly and also cheerful. Happy Birthday Kim Ye-Rim and also who’s use her as a face claim, especially for Linayune, Ghea, Akica, Yemima, Shakia, Jeanya, Kissa, Alucha, Bevalyn, Ashaphine, Naomi, Kanaya, Malini, Mishane, Nadine, Odie, Shainna, Kyra, Yaeshya, Laura, Stacy, Nalabitha, and also me! Happy birthday!

Love, Caine.

Репост из: Lasitudes.
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𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐊im 𝐘erim ( 김예림 ) Happy and sad now coming to you upset and angry maybe it happens I ignore it only happy words I say. Happy who is still your companion, praying for you in every prayer, I unite my body with your body to understand your wishes that become your life. You are amazing and I hope you enjoy every moment of the day. Have fun and extend your life. I admire you for the village that never ends.

And today is also the happiest level up day too 𝐊im 𝐘erim special rp-ers especially for his beloved siblings ; Kanaya, Eleanor, Deleppie, Shavena, Jiva, Rami, Jeovanya, Odie, Genévieve, Aluna, Jjeysha, Azzena, Nafa, Miku, Sava. I hope you are always happy on this special day and beyond! I also hope that you will always hang out with people who truly love you because you deserve all the good things in the world. Happy birthday once again. Enjoy your day!

Репост из: Solitude
Happy birthday to Kim Yerim and all of her rp-ers. Especially Aubrey, Akica, Cainelyn, Elova, Gave, Gendhari, Jeovanya, Kanaya, Kissa, Odie, Shabie, Shakiya, Nafa, Xabeylaf, Yaeshya, Yechi, Yeritjana, and Zuleika. Enjoy your birthday ♡

Репост из: Неизвестно

Репост из: Неизвестно
rp yeri

Репост из: Неизвестно

Репост из: 𝓔𝐦𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐲.
ㅤㅤHappy level up for our Squirtle Woman a.k.a Kim Yerim and for all Yeri rp–ers esp Ralgin, Ayava, Odie, Hana, Elova, Keinan, Mishane, Akila, Nafa, Linayune, Aubrey, Theila, Kylie, Naomi, Hanin, Shakia, Yemima, Vayyara, Rembulan, Ceva, Yumime, Kenna, Grisell, Jean, Nadine, Acacia, Teara, Mecha, Aya, Bevalyn, Kahara, Kemala, Yaeshya, Yioomi, Kanaya, Jehayra, Strawberry, Meissa, Joleya, Dhera, Discha. May you guys be blessed with happiness. Enjoy your birthday, sist!

Репост из: āphroditə.
ㅤㅤ✰ 𝕸any years ago on this day, God decided to send an angel to earth. The angel was meant to touch lives and that happened! 𝓑irthdays are a new start, a fresh beginning and a time to pursue new endeavors with new goals. Move forward with confidence and courage. You are a 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻.

ㅤㅤ✰ ✰ 𝓗appy 𝓑irthday to 𝗞𝗶𝗺 𝗬𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗺 𝗥𝗲𝗱 𝗩𝗲𝗹𝘃𝗲𝘁
and also to all 𝗞𝗶𝗺 𝗬𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗺 rp - ers especially 𝐋inayune, 𝐆arinja, 𝐌alini, 𝐂ordelia, 𝐂hevannya, 𝐘aeshya, 𝐊yriena, 𝐊aluna, 𝐀ubrey, 𝐋ouise, 𝐍adine, 𝐄lova, 𝐍aela, 𝐂ainelyn, 𝐒hanumara, 𝐎die, 𝐒tarley, 𝐑enelle, 𝐀ren, 𝐊aldira, 𝐀lucha, 𝐀lda, 𝐂ynara, 𝐀ubrey, 𝐘emima, 𝐘ara, 𝐊anaya, 𝐊evayya, 𝐉abinta, 𝐌eriella, 𝐒andrina, 𝐋ylacseiya, 𝐆endhari, 𝐅iena, 𝐉ehayra, 𝐉annelie, 𝐍alabitha, 𝐂hiyesa, 𝐒habie, 𝐅aya, 𝐇anin, 𝐀cacia, 𝐀rruna, 𝐘echi, 𝐒hakia, 𝐍ala, 𝐃ischaniera, 𝐉iveyasha, and 𝐉eovanya.

May today and all of your days be amazing! 𝓑e the shining thread in the 𝓑eautiful tapestry of the world to make this year the best ever. Enjoy the ride.

𖣁 ; Sincerely, Sabintha 🤍

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