Remember -
- Porn and masturbation have no advantages. They have only disadvantages.
- You believe that they cure depression, stress, anxiety and boredom. However, they are the cause of these. The more you watch porn and/or do masturbation, the more addicted you become and the more you experience depression, stress, anxiety and boredom.
- Porn and masturbation make you addicted to high dopamine release. Hence, you don't find interest in normal activities that release less dopamine. This reduces your productivity and increases your boredom and addiction.
- Porn and masturbation do not give you pleasure. They make you more and more addicted. The primitive part of your brain misunderstands them as real sex and that's the cause of your addiction.
- Whenever you feel you should peek or edge just once, it is your addiction speaking. You are stronger than your addiction.
- Whenever you feel that you should quit later, it is your addiction trying to trap you. You are stronger than your addiction.
- Whenever you feel a doubt whether you can quit or when you feel that it is difficult to quit, that doubt of feeling is of the addiction. You are stronger than your addiction.
- You do not like porn and masturbation. Your addiction does. You are stronger than your addiction.
You can and will quit. The moment you deeply understand these facts and defeat your brainwashing, you are never going to watch porn or masturbate again. Your addiction is terrified of this reality but you are far stronger than your addiction.
Please read The EasyPeasy Way to Quit Porn and keep revising its notes to eliminate your brainwashing and to remove all your false beliefs.
- Porn and masturbation have no advantages. They have only disadvantages.
- You believe that they cure depression, stress, anxiety and boredom. However, they are the cause of these. The more you watch porn and/or do masturbation, the more addicted you become and the more you experience depression, stress, anxiety and boredom.
- Porn and masturbation make you addicted to high dopamine release. Hence, you don't find interest in normal activities that release less dopamine. This reduces your productivity and increases your boredom and addiction.
- Porn and masturbation do not give you pleasure. They make you more and more addicted. The primitive part of your brain misunderstands them as real sex and that's the cause of your addiction.
- Whenever you feel you should peek or edge just once, it is your addiction speaking. You are stronger than your addiction.
- Whenever you feel that you should quit later, it is your addiction trying to trap you. You are stronger than your addiction.
- Whenever you feel a doubt whether you can quit or when you feel that it is difficult to quit, that doubt of feeling is of the addiction. You are stronger than your addiction.
- You do not like porn and masturbation. Your addiction does. You are stronger than your addiction.
You can and will quit. The moment you deeply understand these facts and defeat your brainwashing, you are never going to watch porn or masturbate again. Your addiction is terrified of this reality but you are far stronger than your addiction.
Please read The EasyPeasy Way to Quit Porn and keep revising its notes to eliminate your brainwashing and to remove all your false beliefs.