Share with friends and earn with us!
⚡️ Now you can earn just by inviting friends! Telegram launched a referral program where 50% of the Stars your friends spend come back to you.
How does it work?
1. Get your unique referral link on Affiliate program and share with friends.
2. Your friends spend Stars in @bitapp.
3. You receive half of their Stars spent, credited to your Telegram account.
The more friends you invite, the more bonuses you earn! 🌟 It’s an easy and fast way to make money.
😈 @bitapp • @notmeme
⚡️ Now you can earn just by inviting friends! Telegram launched a referral program where 50% of the Stars your friends spend come back to you.
How does it work?
1. Get your unique referral link on Affiliate program and share with friends.
2. Your friends spend Stars in @bitapp.
3. You receive half of their Stars spent, credited to your Telegram account.
The more friends you invite, the more bonuses you earn! 🌟 It’s an easy and fast way to make money.
😈 @bitapp • @notmeme