𔘓 Z0URiST 💬 : OPEN

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୨୧ ... sun culled delineated up, the embryonic black kitten conserved running continously he inaugurate a emporium amidst o'identical keynote , wellcomely to @ofczouriststore  ִ֪  ꒱
    𖦞 . order bot : @zouristrobot
    𖦞 . testimonial : @proofzourist

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upboard, upsecreto, upngl aku close ya🙇🏻‍♀️

upsubs close

                   ִ     ׅ 𖤝  ֹopen order

୨୧ ... sun culled delineated up, the embryonic black kitten conserved running continously he inaugurate a emporium amidst o'identical keynote, she withdown once-surveillance and o'aphorism bounteous habitués gaining upon, when eminance opened o'aperture, Hello, honrables. who is emdeared @ofczouriststore, the diurnal course has started in the forenoon, @zouristrobot has opened again afortimes the order is obliged to check ֹ  ִ֪  ꒱

     𖦞 . regulation
     𖦞 . catalogue
     𖦞 . payment
     𖦞 . testimonial


                   ִ     ׅ 𖤝  ֹclose order

୨୧ ... pressured to acquire in furthermore examine what  cordial-niche to generate populace semblance at househole. Hello, over delicates @ofczouriststore, the day previously redone to eventide-night 🌃, @ofczouriststore is contiguous; close again and will comeback afterward. Thank you for the order today, precious. ֹ  ִ֪  ꒱

iya sama sama yaa💝

hari Jumat jadi aku pengen berbagi, walaupun store ku lagi sepi😭

Pacar Doyoung Lagi Sebar Duit lewat DANA Kaget nih! Cuma buat kamu yang paling gesit, sikat sekarang https://link.dana.id/kaget?c=s2mx2cumq&r=ifQRTu

done fw ya kakak-kakak semuanya, maaf kalau ada yang ketinggalan

kasih react buat ini dong


HALOOO! Komorebi first open && DISCOUNT. Dijamin trusted and legal 100%

Aplikasi on discount :
1 hari : 2.000
2 hari : 3.000
3 hari : 8.000
1 minggu : 10.000
1 bulan: 32.000

1 bulan : 20.000

Ayoo yakali ga mau ngambil diskonan enih.
Format pembelian disini https://t.me/komorebiistore/32
Send your format to @komorebissbot or @scorcpio

Репост из: Souvlinee: soon.
{ to all my beloved mutual's, can you forward this to your business channel? thank you before. }

hello everyone, now @souvlinee is looking for a new mutual, all business accounts are allowed except username gallery and agency. if you are interested in mutual with me you can send a message to @souvlineemutual_bot

i will diving at:
afternoon: 15.00 wib
afternoon: 17.00 wib
night: 19.00 wib
night: 20.00 wib

Репост из: FLAURETH (SOON)
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{ ʚ˚✧ With all the soul full of resplendent and convenient, dear my beloved business mutuals, can you guys to help us for spread this message to your channel? Thanks in advance! }

      ʚ♡ɞ 🪶 . . .

       Warm greeting to the comrade which is outside there 💭. Bonjour serene soul! @Flaureth are searching for mutual who are eager to work with us. Our channel types are profneeds and we accept all kinds of business channels that are sparse. We only accept Main accounts, active, and can provide feedback. If you are interested in becoming part of our partners, please contact @Flawrethbot. Mercy beaucoup, may your day be joyful! ⋆˚ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ 🌷
With gratitude, Flaureth.🕊

Репост из: Turtles; OPEN!
{ untuk semua mutual atau siapapun kamu boleh hfw pesan ini ke kanal dan sharing ke sirkel atau teman mu yaaa, TIA!! }

selamat malam, pagi, siang, sore atau apapun waktu kamu sekarang. I just wanted to let you all know that our store will be having another discount! with a discount of:

l. 8%. for solo icons and chibi art.
ll. 10% for couple icons
lll. 15% for yearbook

promo kami berlaku dari tanggal 2 — 5 Maret yaa! untuk in rush, recolor dan pict from seller masih berlaku atau tidak termasuk dalam diskon! dan di wajibkan untuk membaca atau literasi pada regulasi store kami.
thank you and have a lovely day, night, and dreams 💗!


Репост из: Planetarium. Mnuju grand openg
𓂃 𓏲 ๋࣭ 𐀔 Flying beyond the sky to the outer space! Let me introduce you the Planetariums, a place above the sky. We will take you to there with our rockets and professional astronauts. Planetarium will provide Jastip for you. Let's go down!

𖥦 ׄ 𔓕 Terms n Condition
𖥦 ׄ 𔓕 Pricelist
𖥦 ׄ 𔓕 Rocket Ticket
𖥦 ׄ 𔓕 Testimonials

You can't go anywhere, the mortal villains are going to attack the earth! Let's go check the @Planetariums's rocket ticket. You have to survive with us!

Репост из: Poeple Store - PROMO UPSUBS
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𝓛istening to music in the morning and resting before studying and reading textbooks, the beautiful sun rises in the morning while enjoying music and breakfast, seeing the 𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙮 view from the power of God, namely @HeavyStores who has been a part of here for a long time.

And in the end we saw the opportunity to open a trusted store starting with the morning that opened the feeling of happiness  :

               ꒰ 命 ⸼ ׂ  𝕽𝗲𝗴𝘂𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀
               ꒰ 命 ⸼ ׂ  𝕮𝗮𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘂𝗲
               ꒰ 命 ⸼ ׂ  𝕿𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗶𝗮𝗹
            ꒰ 命 ⸼ ׂ  Mutualan/pengaduan

𝐴 lot of people are rushing to get there and will buy everything that is on @Asistnau_bot and then do it fast! surely you will be satisfied and happy with the results!

Репост из: Leo’s WTB Duty : hiring admin.
📫 hai temenn temennn! @sswept recruit admin lagi nih, dengan format yang bakal dijelasin dibawah ya! ‹𝟹

a. udah subs @sswept dan literasi rules yang ada pastinya

b. pribadi yang mampu bekerja sama dengan admin lain, santai tapi telaten. bertanggung jawab, giat, dan mampu menjaga rahasia alias ga cepu. yang paling utama adalah tau sopan santun, ke pembeli ataupun ke admin lain

c. paham betul tentang divisi yang bakal diambil, bukan anti kritik dan mau belajar dari kesalahan

d. ga dalam masa sibuk atau kelas akhir, bisa manage waktu antara BA dan RL. konsisten dan produktif, yang suka leha-leha jangan mampir ya!

e. dibutuhkan admin wtb service kalo kamu ahli dibidang itu, ayo daftar dengan format dibawah ini

Hi kak Jean, aku (nama) mau daftar jdi admin di @sswept apa boleh? Ini username @usn aku ya! Udah baca dan mengerti semua rules yang tertera kok, terimakasih.

Tap auto copy, send ke @gracieabrrams. ⊹

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