Free Residential VPN TutorialYou won't find this tut anywhere. This is a onepunch exclusive.
@onepunchtuts 👊
Residential IP is an IP that is given by a local ISP or network situated in a particular country. For example, someone in the UK using the internet will have an IP address that was issued by a network like Tesco or Vodafone. These IPs are tied to the physical location.
When you use a residential IP, no site will be able to tell you're using a VPN because they are not VPNs. The reason why Netflix, Hulu and other sites are able to detect if you're using a VPN is because you're using a VPN which are from data centers such as Digital Ocean, OVH and Nord. Residential IPs cannot be detected because traffic from your PC is redirected through the IP of someone living in the UK or somewhere else. This way netflix actually thinks the guy in the UK is opening their website.
Residential VPNs are very expensive. The cheapest residential proxy service around is 911, topsocks and faceless. If you can't afford that, then this tutorial is for you.
Tools Needed>Internet Connection
>Tuxler VPN :