On The Offensive

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‘Tis I, On The Offensive AKA Hugh the Great. Welcome to a land of dnb and dogs ?

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Stunning & brave

It really is a abhorrent crime against Europeans that white children are now a minority in the country they built. We knew it was coming, but it still makes me sick.

Joe Biden’s his signature on anti-busing legislation back in the day. He used to be based...

See how she beams with pride? She’s done it! Her people have done it! Bye bye white man: game over!

Kicked out, readmitted, then booted out again a few days later - all cos he said Labour weren’t actually Nazis 😂

The front page of Google. No agenda here...

“Trump is responsible.”

Yeah he’s cucked, but he still cracks me up.

OMG how could they let this Jew hating bastard back into their party?! I’m literally shaking! Williamson actually claimed Labour had been "too apologetic" in the face of criticism on the issue - the absolute cheek of it! Labour have only booted out everyone who’s criticised Israel and adopted the IHRA working definition of anti-semitism: it’s clear they aren’t doing enough!

The Independent blame Trump for migrant’s actions. Take his quote out of context, too. Typical.

I guess we’re gonna blame this on Sadiq, right?

^ This family was safe and sound in a migrant camp in Mexico, awaiting their asylum application to be processed to enter the US.

We’re told they became desperate and decided to cross the river to America cos temperatures were so high. This sounds like bullshit. They probably feared their application would be rejected, so decided to cross illegally.

The father went first, leaving his wife and daughter on the other side of the river. He was gonna find something to throw over or a nice piece of wood they could use to get across safely. But his 23 month old daughter jumped in after him. He swam back and tried to save her, but they were both caught in the currents and drowned.

Now you have to open the borders, okay? Someone broke the law and did something stupid that put their kid in danger, so now you have to abandon any semblance of nationhood and allow your country to be overrun with migrants, got it? Makes sense....

A case of terrible parenting...

Sorry for being harsh, but it’s Bourdain’s birthday today, so we’re seeing article after article celebrating him, portraying him as this openminded, progressive, hip hero. We should all learn from how he lived!

Yeah... I’m gonna take life lessons from a drunken, drug addicted, tattoo covered degenerate who killed himself? Why would I do that? So I can be as miserable and broken as he was? So I can feel as unfulfilled and abandon my family like he did? What a joke!

How the blatant irony of all this is missed by the masses amazes me. Comment after comment thanking him, celebrating him, describing him as some sort of genius who changed the world.

And worse, Bourdain was one of those liberal elite Jews who openly celebrated white genocide people. He did this on his show - so progressive! Check it out: https://youtu.be/QiQv-19e0zQ
Anthony Bourdain: Eliminating White People Is "The Only Solution"
This clip is from Anthony Bourdain's Parts Unknown (S07E07). In this episode he travels to Cologne, Germany to interview a celebrity chef – René Stessl – and...

Let’s take advice from a degenerate coward who killed himself (leaving behind a young daughter). Boom!

I dunno how to allow people to comment in here, but I will work it out lads!

This Top Gear is for fags.

^ big skibz

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