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Репост из: Folkish France

Репост из: Folkish France

Репост из: Folkish France
The "Maison des Fées" (House of the Fairies) or "Maison des Feins" is a set of standing stones located in a forest in Tressé, Brittany.

The stones form a 12m long and 1,20m large passage grave set in a north-north-west/south-south-west axis. It is composed of 19 menhirs, 1 stone slab and topped by 8 capstones.

The outer side of the stone slab and another slab outside of the enclosure are decorated by a rectangular cartouche encasing two sculpted sets of breast. One of these sets has been mutilated in the 1980s.

In 1931 the English archaeologist Robert Mond was called to search this site. According to the report published by his assistant V.C.C. Collum, Robert Mond excavated a skeleton, potteries, a soapstone pearl necklace, a bronze as (Roman coin) from the reign of emperor Domitian, and two pieces of iron.

A short distance from the road, you can find the much more ancient ruin: the “Cromlech”, a large circle of 46 stones planted in the ground at 4 meters distance one from the other, right on the border between Italy and France, marks pre-Roman presence of man in the area, although the exact period of its construction is still not ascertainable.
The magic of the summer solstice at the Cromlech of the Little San Bernardo Pass conveys a unique emotion. After 7pm, at the sunset behind Lancebranlette, a shadow advances and casts some particular outlines: if the weather is good, it is an unmissable event. The sunset will take place in the cromlech with its original shape. Public works to move the road which cut the cromlech into two parts are finally over. The cromlech is now how it was when it was bilt and it turns to be a very important point for astronomic observations.
On the meadows on the right, just beyond the buildings of the former Italian Customs, you can see the earliest testimonies of Roman presence on the Alpis Graia, as they called this hill. These are the remains of the oriental mansio, unearthed and restored at the end of the 1920s. The size of its perimeter walls help us to understand the extent of this rectangular building, made up of a series of rooms surrounding a central courtyard, linked via an arcade to the Roman Road to Gaul, which runs parallel to the current road on the right. The “mansio” acted as a store and a shelter for wayfarers and the military. Next to and outside of this, right on the edge of the current paved road, there is a small temple, the gallo-roman fanum, perhaps dedicated to a Celtic divinity, considering the Roman custom of subjecting local worship habits to the Empire.
The building beyond the former French Customs, on the right side, dating back to the Roman era, is also linked to the ancient Road to Gaul and, like the oriental mansio, has an internal courtyard surrounded by rooms. Here the sacred element is nevertheless predominating over the common use: indeed, apart from the sacellum for worship, detached from the other rooms, the construction uncovered a silver bust of Jupiter Dolichenus and several votive plaques of thanksgiving, today stored in the Museum of Archaeology in Aosta.
Jupiter also gave its name to the hill throughout the Middle Ages. Because of the presence of the 4.5 metres high marble column in front of the sanctuary and called the “Column of Joux”, the pass was named “Mons Minoris Iovis” and the Saint Bernard Hospice has been mentioned in documents as “Hospitale Columne Jovis”. Today, the column acts as a pedestal for the statue of Saint Bernard, replacing the former one dedicated to Jupiter, which was demolished, according to the legend, by Saint Bernard himself, once he arrived on the pass, for dismantling the symbols of paganism.
The Hospice, founded in the 11th century from Saint Bernard, was repeatedly destroyed by wars and fires, but was always rebuilt. It was abandoned after Second World War due to the violent bombardments; since 1993 its reconstruction began. At present it hosts the International Tourist Information Office as well as the Museum on the history of the Pass, the Valdigne and the region of Savoy .

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