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Discover yourself again ✨✨💥

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Гео и язык канала
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Until itʼs done,
Tell none


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📹 How lucky you feel .... 🤯

#lifeadvice #personalgrowth #mindset #lifestrategies


Репост из: Shaxrom's IELTS realm

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You meet people on the same level of psychological wounds and states as you.






All great men and women went through difficulties to get to where they are, all of them made mistakes. They found within those experiences some benefit—
even if it was simply the realization that they were not infallible and that things would not always go their way. They found that self-awareness was the way out and through—if they hadn’t, they wouldn’t have gotten better and they wouldn’t have been able to rise again


Репост из: 𝚆𝚊𝚡𝚒𝚛'𝚖𝚎💘
Inson oʻzidagi barcha narsaning kushandasi❤️‍🩹

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The super quick way for the improvement of READING


God will sell you anything at the price of labor.


Almost always, your road to victory goes through a place called "failure".


We are never happy with what we have, we want what others have too.


“A man’s best
treasure is a thrifty tongue.”


Those who know do not speak.
Those who speak do not know


The first principle is that you must not fool yourself—and you are the easiest person to fool.



Good one


Репост из: IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev
Afsus, ming afsus!

Har yili ham offline, ham online o'quvchilarni saviyasi pasayib boryapdi. Bollar shunchaki telefoni-yu bir tiyinga qimmat kanallarni unutib, o'tirib kuniga 8 soat chalg'imasdan mehnat qilolmiyapdi. Men sizni o'rningizda bo'lsam yorvorardim demayman, chunki bilaman hozir shunchaki chalg'imaslik, hayolni bir joyga yig'ishni o'zi qanchalik qiyinligini. Lekin nimagadir erishish oson bo'lsa, uni qadri bo'lmasidi. Siz bilan meni Xitoy kabi davlatlarni odamlari raqobatda g'ajib tashlaydi, qizig'i buni bilmaysiz ham. Nega har yili hayot qiyinlashyapdi, gazni narxi oshibdimi, go'sht buncha qimmat deb o'tib ketaverasiz. Farzandlaringiz maktabda Amerika bilan Xitoyni olimlari ozgan kitoblarni o'qib katta bo'lishaveradi.

Bizni ajdodlar yiqilgani uchun taqdirimiz o'zga yurtlarga mardikor bilan buzuq ayollar chiqarib berish bo'lgandi. Endi biz yiqilganimiz uchun avlodlarimiz nima qilarkan bilmadim.


Репост из: Shadow
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