★. Panglariss

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★. Anything ★. Testi and proof
@adiestacobot @arsipadis

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Репост из: SK8TORE: OPEN.
Видео недоступно для предпросмотра
Смотреть в Telegram
[ To all my BA mutuals or everyone who see this, can you help me forward this messages to your channel? I appreciate it very much, TIA! ]

Hello! I want to announce that SK8TORE will officially open today. If you're curious what we serve, you can go to @SK8TORE or tap this link. Ah! Don't forget to read our TnC first before sending your form trough @sk8torebot. I'll wait for your order, see you! ♡

panglariss re stock yuk buruan ke @karouumi

Репост из: 𝐒uraduhita : Open [Promo]
Видео недоступно для предпросмотра
Смотреть в Telegram
[ Untuk mutual BA ku atau siapapun yang melihat ini, boleh tolong fw ke channel kalian? Thank you! ]

Hello everyone! Besok, pada 8 Maret, Suraduhita akan mengadakan promo potongan harga untuk pembelian bubble lysn & jyp! Kapan lagi kan 2 tiket bubble cuma 40.000? Jangan sampai kelewatan promo kali ini. Yuk langsung aja send format kalian ke @Leeknaow!

Репост из: REVELUVS ᵎ CLOSE !
[ Dear any Business Account who read this, a little forward won't hurt anyone. Because today, the wait has now find it's finish line and we're about to send the best gratitude for those who've stayed. ]

Wuih, siapa nih yang udah nungguin kita buka?Nah, today has come where @Reveluvsie has open our gate! Hari ini juga menandakan bahwa kita udah siap untuk terima orderan kalian, nih!

Sebelumnya, kita mau ingetin bahwa sebelum memesan atau order, kalian silakan cek katalog kita di sini. Setelah liat-liat katalog, pastikan buat isi formnya dengan detail yang jelas

Setelah itu, juga jangan lupa buat selalu baca Terms and Conditions yang udah kami tetapkan di sini supaya tidak ada kesalahpahaman atau miskomunikasi. Dengan tnc juga, kami harapkan buat para pelanggan untuk bisa berbelanja sesuai ketentuan dan tidak menanyakan hal-hal yang sudah tertera jelas yaa!

Have fun shopping and have a great day, fellas! Pertanyaan lebih lanjut bisa ke bot kami di @Reveluvsiebot atau @JunChaeyeon jika bot tidak merespon ya!

restock ngga nieh?
  •   iyalahh
  •   ngk dl
16 голосов

Репост из: Soon.
[ To all my mutual BA or anyone who saw this message, can you please lend me hand to share this? One help will mean a lot for me, thank you ]

Massive salutation, beautiful souls! We are from @ResidenceRent! Because tomorrow is our grand opening, we will provide you with a special promo! Open TOMORROW AT 9 A.M with the limited slots for additional Voice Note ( VN ) and OTP.

Before you send the form, please read our regulations and promo pricelist. Don't forget to see our talent start from here, if you want to request with talent. Then, you can send the form at @ResidenceRobot

‼️ SOLD ‼️

yukk diabisin

tinggal 9 lagi yaaa

update stock

[ Dear all my BA mutuals or anyone who saw this post. Can you help me to forward this post to your channel? it's mean a lot to me. Thank you in advance! ]

Salam hangat untuk semua warga telegram, ada kabar gembira nih akhirnya @Deriyesul akan buka untuk pertama kalinya pada Kamis 04 Maret 2021 Pukul 12.30 WIB. Kami menjual Wording, Bf Rent, Apk Prem, Verif nomor.

Starting from 2,000 IDR you can already shop at Deriyesa , let's have a look at your catalog and if you are interested in buying don't forget to read TnC first, we provide many slots today.

Репост из: ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤenikopㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
[ to all bussines account, or my mutual here. can you share this message to your channel? I am very grateful if you guys send this message. ]

𝓜assive salutations , Telelings ! ☆
Warm regards to all beautiful creature out there ! Hereby, I declare that, Patronus Rent open their second batch on 4 March 2021.

We're open with a limited slot for vn/otp. So, what you waiting for? Leggo rent on Patronus Rent. Dont forget to check our TnC and send your format to @PatronusRobot So grab your slot now, and make your own relationship stories!!

sisa 107 lagi yaa

cuma ready 150 ya, yuk cepet cepetan

panglariss re stock, yuk kesini @karouumi

Репост из: COSMIC BAR : OPEN!!
[ To all our dearest BA mutuals and everyone who see this, would you help us to forward this message to your channel? thank you in advance ♡ ]

Eyo fellas! Here's COSMIC BAR back with a new vibes & a great news!
YES! We're gonna open MARCH's BATCH yippie-yay!
It'll be held on March 3 at 01 P.M.
which is Tomorrow!
And do you guys know it's 3.3? 👀
That's mean, WE'LL GIVE A DISCOUNT UP TO 33% 🥳
(untuk setiap total jajan tanpa minimal order & berlaku sampai jam 11 malam WITA)
So what are you waiting for? Mark the date && prepare your money!
Don't forget to read our TnC first before ordering!

We accept payment via Qris, Dana, Shopeepay.
Happy shopping everyone! ♡
Sincerely, @CosmicBar.

Репост из: ‎ ៹ mèllifluous
informasi penting !!

hai semua aku mau kasi tau kalo ada yang ditawarin apa aja payment qris atas nama waroenk arel sebaiknya tanya dulu ya ke bot/ke @jejakpoetri setiap aku nawarin pasti aku bakal drop store aku dan biasanya nawarinnya pake akun @warelofc, sekali lagi aku mau bilang kalo waroenk arel engga ada admin cuma aku sendiri !! contact yang bisa dihubungi hanya @jejakpoetri @warelofc @waroenkarelbot selain itu engga ada, hati hati sama store @.Gumsie juga dia jadiin qris aku sebagai tumbal nipu orang dan di @.musuhdf katanya juga udh banyak yang kena jadi buat kalian hati hati ya buat buyer & seller untuk lebih teliti lagi kalo mau order, itu aja si yang mau aku omongin thankyou ya 💖

testi aku disini @arsipadis

yuk yang mau yt premium nya lagi promo nih 10k ajaaaa kesini ya @karouumi

kalo butuh bantuan fw kesini aja ya @karouumi

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