🦅 [ perspective ix ]

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❓ Are you interested to learn more about the Blockchain/Crypto/NFT space?
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📡 Blue checkmark vs hexagonal PFPs
Intersection no. 3 — Will Twitter take NFTs mainstream?

Do you know what PFPs are?
> Read and subscribe here.

🦅 @perspectiveix

📡 Make decisions like a computer
Pulse no. 159 — and 52 things Tom learned in 2021

> Read the complete issue.
Make sure you subscribe. There's a lot of new and exclusive stuff coming you don't wanna miss out on.

Pulse is my weekly newsletter covering tech and media business — and my other curiosities.

🦅 @perspectiveix

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🤖 Meet Ameca

#Ameca is the most recent robot to go viral on #SocialMedia. It is a robot designed by the British company #EngineeredArts.
On the Engineered Arts website, it says that Ameca “contains some software which can be described as ‘artificially intelligent,’” but that its main purpose is to “be a platform for developing AI.”

All Credits: Engineered Arts.

🦅 @iXDaily x @perspectiveix

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👀 Did you count right?

©️ 2010 Daniel J. Simons

🦅 @iXDaily x @perspectiveix

💰 #Microsoft overtakes #Apple to become the world’s most valuable company.

🦅 @iXDaily x @perspectiveix

🤔 Now that Facebook services are back online, losing which one was the worst for you?
  •   Facebook
  •   Instagram
  •   WhatsApp
  •   Facebook Messenger
  •   None of them mattered to me
361 голосов

🤔 Facebook/Instagram/WhatsApp are down: Why do you think that is?
  •   A hack
  •   An inside job due to WSJ's Facebook Files and Whistleblower's reveal — Frances Haugen
  •   Just a random incident
  •   Something else (comment)
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👀 Behind the Scene
How QR codes are made

Source: mcflyhh.
🦅 @iXDaily x @perspectiveix

🛒 Where E-Commerce is Growing Fastest

China is by far the biggest e-commerce market in the world as seen in figures from the Statista Digital Market Outlook. Last year, e-commerce sales in the country stood at $1.3 trillion and that number is projected to increase to almost $2 trillion by 2025. This would mean that in 4 years, almost every second e-commerce dollar could be spent in China.

Revenues generated in China make up the majority of the Asian market. Yet, other markets on the continent are already growing at a faster rate than the Chinese market. Chinese growth remains above the world average, however.

In Europe and the U.S., e-commerce is expected to grow by 35 percent to 42 percent in five years, below the world average of 47 percent.

Source: Statista.
🦅 @iXDaily x @perspectiveix

⌚️ Smartwatch Market 2Q21

The global #smartwatch market grew 27% YoY in Q2, per Counterpoint Research. Obviously, #Apple remains on top, but its market share did slip from 30.1% in Q2 2020 to 28% today.

Meanwhile, #Samsung saw its slice of the pie expand from 6.8% to 7.6%—an upward trend that could continue thanks to its newly unveiled #GalaxyWatch 4, made in partnership with #Google.

All Credits: Counterpoint Research
🦅 @iXDaily x @perspectiveix

⌚️ Do you own a smartwatch?
  •   Yes
  •   No
307 голосов

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🤖 Atlas | Partners in Parkour

Let the #BostonDynamics' Atlas blow your mind!

All Credits: Boston Dynamics
@iXDaily x @perspectiveix

Social Platforms: they all look the same now

The fact that all #SocialMedia platforms are starting to look the same points at the idea of some platforms are just features unless they evolve.

For example, #Snapchat had to evolve from being a platform for ‘Stories’ to a camera/AR platform, otherwise, it had no chance against #Facebook & #Instagram Stories attack.

Now, #Clubhouse has the same problem. It has turned into a feature that other platforms are just adding to their products — yes, you can call it copying too.

🦅 @perspectiveix via Kaya Yurieff/The Information.
🔗 https://bio.link/perspectiveix

🍽 You are what you eat
Intersection 2 — the intersection of food, information, and diet: optimising your input.

“You are what you eat.”
Have you heard that before? It’s very true — literally. We don’t normally (and actively) think about it, but what we eat actually gets incorporated into our bodies.

You can apply the same thinking to your information diet. You’re not just what you eat, but you’re what you consume: all the data, information, wisdom, and experiences you have shapes your understanding of the world as well as the effects they have on your health — both physical and mental.

Here, I wrote about the importance and the effects of your information diet: https://perspectiveix.substack.com/p/information-diet
Let me know what you think please.

Thanks for reading,
🦅 @perspectiveix

60 Seconds on the Internet in 2021

According to data compiled by Lori Lewis and published on the site AllAccess, 60 seconds on the web in 2021 consist of more than 500 hours of content uploaded on #YouTube, 695,000 stories shared on #Instagram and nearly 70 million messages sent via #WhatsApp and #FacebookMessenger. That same internet minute also contains an incredible $1.6 million spent online.

🦅 @perspectiveix via Statista.
🔗 https://bio.link/perspectiveix

🍎 AirPods as a Company

This is crazy! If #AirPods were a standalone company, they would be one of the biggest tech companies in the world (bigger than #Spotify, #Twitter, #Shopify, and #Snap combined!).

Read more here.
🦅 @perspectiveix

📰 Tech News Every Day: @iXDaily

🤔 Social Media: What/Who is the Problem?
Intersection 1 — the intersection of social media & [mental] health

There is a widespread belief that #SocialMedia is unhealthy and can have adverse side effects on our mental health, which I totally understand and sometimes agree with.

However, there’s another argument against that, which can be pretty difficult to ignore: what if the problem isn’t social media? What if we are the problem, and social media is merely a tool or a reflection of our reality?

Here, I wrote about both sides of the argument: https://perspectiveix.substack.com/p/social-media-mental-health
Let me know what you think please.

Thanks for reading,
🦅 @perspectiveix

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🍕 Happy Bitcoin Pizza Day!

On May 22, 2010, programmer Laszlo Hanyecz paid 10,000 bitcoins for two pizzas. At the time, it cost about £10. Today? About £250 million.

To celebrate how far Bitcoin has come — and commemorate history’s most expensive pizzas — let’s take a look at 4 things 10,000 BTC could buy in 2021.

- 28 million large cheese pizzas
- 165,000 moped scooters (for local delivery)
- 3 commercial airplanes (for coast-to-coast delivery)
- 14 billion after-dinner mints

If that’s how much #Bitcoin has changed since 2010, just think how different things could look in the next 11 years. Hopefully pizza still tastes the same.

🦅 @perspectiveix via Coinbase.

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