Patriot Front of Texas

Гео и язык канала: США, Английский
Категория: Эротика

Гео и язык канала
США, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

In the spirit of Siege, Patriot Front has become a decentralized organization. We encourage our members to form their own Patriot Front chapters. As long as they follow our rules.

1. Propaganda has to be serious looking. No gay shit or anything of that sort.

2. Support and belove our great Caesar Thomas

3. Preach TND

If you need help with propaganda, we posted the download to the official Patriot Front font further up for download.

Hail Victory!


Репост из: Patriot Front California
Our Great Leader and Caesar Thomas Rousseau founder of Patriot Front has given us permission to spread the message of total nigger death to California.

We have been very successful in our message for the total annihilation of niggers.

TND is inevitable!

Patriot Front stands for movement unity!

"It's been a tough week, gentlemen. We've lost more than ever dreamed. But we will recover. I've got a blank check. And we're gonna use every cent of it planning TND. Despite what the world may say, we are not savages, we won't kill good Whites. We use precision. There's an evil kike hiding in these shadows and we're gonna bring him into the light. Once his face is revealed, we will write history, gentlemen."

-John UT

Patriot Front is no longer going to be doing marches. No more protests.

We, after taking inspiration from our advisor and dear brother James Mason, will become an armed organization training for the eventual collapse of society that is upon us.

Expect a shift in our messaging.

Hail Victory!

You can go farther in life with a kind word and a gun than just a kind word.

"While we were in misery and called anxiously for a saviour, he emerged like a mountain. Drums beat, bugles sing, and 100,000 men stand gathered around one man!

Gather your people oh Caesar! A new great fatherland awaits!"

-Patriot Front member on the arrival of Thomas


Thomas, our American Caesar, has made a decree that mixed race and/or jewish members such as Alexander Sisenstein have been removed.

With this removal comes the removal of the 1/3rd or less policy. Allowing those of 1/3rd or less non-White ancestry in the organization. You must be White and White alone to be a Patriot Front member.

So let it be written, so let it be done!

Hail Victory!

Репост из: Alamo Active Club Official
Fast Frank showing a new member the best way to blitzkrieg a nigger in public.

4.3k Patriots 😎


Репост из: Alamo Active Club Official
Flexing on system leaders and letting them know they're going as soon as TND begins.

Репост из: Alamo Active Club Official
Join Alamo Active Club today and you'll get to see Big Randy split open a nigger skull with just his ankles!

Email us at:

Репост из: Alamo Active Club Official
Praying to the Gods before we beat down another nigger

Репост из: Alamo Active Club Official
Big Randy training his men on the best ways to crack nigger skulls.

Репост из: Alamo Active Club Official
Many ask the origin behind the name "Active Club". It's simple.

It's short for Actively Exterminating Niggers Club. We have to maintain good optics after all.

Репост из: Alamo Active Club Official
We're sick of all the fake accounts pretending to be us.

This is the only official Alamo Active Club account. There are no others. There is a fraudulent one run by a morbidly obese nigger that we curb stomped a couple months ago in San Antonio.

That nigger is cruising for a bruising with our crew if he continues his monkey shenanigans with us.

He needs to delete that fake channel at once or our crew will blockade his section 8 apartment to starve him and beat any Doordash delivery driver showing up too for good measure.

There are consequences to crossing the Alamo Active Club. These niggers need to learn their lesson.

-Big Randy, Director of Alamo Active Club

James Mason has been brought on as an official advisor and member of both Patriot Front and the Alamo Active Club!

Listen to his statement here:

Some people question whether or not we have Thomas, our American Caesar's permission for this channel.

As you may know, in the Patriot Front leaks. Thomas said in a recorded voice message that anything done by Patriot Front must get his permission and be approved by him.

We are Patriot Front. We are acting as Patriot Front. We couldn't do this without his permission. So clearly we have his permission.

Our detractors are such idiots.

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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